ATLAS Offline Software
Change notes

This page contains some old notes about changes in the code. These notes have been moved from the top of the source files to here. The Changelog file is the recomended place for such notes.

Notes from SCT_Digitization.h:

// Based on PixelDigitization and SCT_TestBeamDigitization
// Szymon Gadomski 30.07.2001
// 27.11.01 SG: use IdentifiableContainer instead of ObjectIdentifierMap
// version 1.2 Awatif Belymam 29.10.2002
// 29.10.2002 AB: gets thickness from the objects of SCT_ModuleSideDesign type.
// 10/6/4 Paul Bell: Allows use of local class SCT_ActualDisabledCellGenerator for bad channel processing
// 12/12/4 Paul Bell: Read masked channels from DB
// SCT_ActualDisableCellGenerator retired
// 21/4/05 Paul Bell: Cosmic run specific changes.

Notes from SCT_Digitization.cxx:

// Based on PixelDigitization and SCT_TestBeamDigitization
// Szymon Gadomski 30.07.2001
// 27.11.01 SG: use IdentifiableContainer instead of ObjectIdentifierMap
// version 1.3 Awatif Belymam 29.10.2002:
// 29.10.2002 AB: the thickness of sensors is obtained from the objects
// of SCT_ModuleSideDesign type, instead from its jobOptions file.
// 6.1.2004 TC: Change to CLHEP units (mm, MeV, ns).
// 23/06/04 Paul Bell: Uses local class SCTActualDisableCellGenerator for
// bad channel processing
// select "TBbadchannels" in job options to read from list
// otherwise uses random bad cell generator
// 12/12/04 Paul Bell: Now reads channels which are masked in the ROD
// from the conditions database
// SCT_ActualDisabledCellGenerator no longer needed.
// In principal masked channels can change event to
// event (this is how the DB must work, even though
// unlikely in practice). So "storing" the charged
// diode processor for the masked channels on initialise
// can no longer work. Instead, we now throw away masked
// channels in the RDO making phase.
// 21/04/05 Paul Bell: Changes for simulating cosmic run. Call tool
// ModuleStatus to see which modules are present.
// Intended to be temporary until we have the coolDB
// 01/09/05 Paul Bell: COOL implementaion of former "ModuleStatus"
// We fill a map of the present modules and then
// use this to get the module serial number (MSN)
// of the hits in each event.
// **Digitization now knows about module serial numbers**
// FUTURE: want to use this MSN info to access further
// module conditions which affect digitization
// 21/11/05 Paul Bell: Now use the new conditions tool SCT_ModuleConditionsTool
// CTB and cosmic conditions are in the COOL DB
// Remove old CTB specific channel masking operations
// -channels are masked in same way in CTB and cosmic sim
// Use the config data to see which modules present in cosmic run