ATLAS Offline Software
MdtCalibSvc package
Domizia.Orestano original authors Niels van Eldik & Martin Woudstra, Stefano Rosati


This package contains the services (MdtCalibrationSvc) responsible to provide to the clients (reconstruction) the calibrated information (drift radius and its error) for the hits in Mdt chambers.

An older version of service (MdtCalibSvc) is kept for TB applications.

MdtCalibrationSvc accesses the calibration constants through MdtCalibrationDbSvc. MdtCalibrationDbSvc uses a Tool to retreive the constants:

  • MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbAsciiTool provides some default constants and the possibility of overwriting few of them from jobOptions or input files.
  • MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool provides access to the CLOBS in COOL.

By default the MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbAsciiTool is used. In order to use MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool you need to add to your jobOptions the following lines:

#for production DB
IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool.MDT+"/MDT/RT <tag>HEAD</tag>"]
IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool.MDT+"/MDT/T0 <tag>HEAD</tag>"]
from MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool.MdtCalibDbCoolStrToolConf import MuonCalib__MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool
#add between the parenthesis the properties of MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool that you
#eventually would like to redefine (for example the folders if they are not
#the default ones).
#See MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool for the list of properties and defaults.
from MdtCalibSvc.MdtCalibSvcConf import MdtCalibrationDbSvc
#add between the parenthesis the properties of MdtCalibrationDbSvc that you
#eventually would like to redefine

Both the Tools, when organizing the information in the detector store, and the MdtCalibrationDbSvc, when accessing it, make use of the mapping between detector elements and calibration regions provided by MdtCalibrationRegionSvc. It is planned to insert the mapping in the DB but currently it is hardcoded in MdtCalibrationRegionSvc. By default a single region (a single Rt relation) is foreseen for the whole spectrometer

  • when using MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbAsciiTool if a single RT ascii file is provided in input. The corresponding Rt relation is then used for all the chambers.
  • when using MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool if Rt conditions data are accessed from the folder "/MDT/RT". The last (if more than one is present) valid Rt from that folder is then applied to all chambers. If no valid Rt is loaded from DB then the one found in the ascii input file is used.

One region per chamber is mapped

  • when using MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbAsciiTool if more than one RT ascii file is provided in input. See MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbAsciiTool for details.
  • when using MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool if Rt conditions data are accessed from a folder different from "/MDT/RT". See MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool for details.

List of settable properties:

  • for MdtCalibrationSvc:
    • is_testbeam (False by default) to use the old MdtCalibSvc
    • is_simulation (False by default) for simulation of test beam data (old MdtCalibSvc)
    • CorrectTof (True by default) to correct times for the particle time of flight (to be set to False on Cosmics!!!)
  • for MdtCalibrationDbSvc:
    • DBTool (a PublicToolHandle, default is 'MuonCalib::MdtCalibDbAsciiTool')
Athena service for Interval Of Validity database. The IOVDbSvc may be in one of three time states whi...
Definition: IOVDbSvc.h:83