ATLAS Offline Software
The InDetExtensionProcessor package provides algorithms which form part of the Inner Detector track reconstruction sequence [1].
Currently there is one algorithm, InDet::InDetExtensionProcessor, which is run at the end of the inside-out track finding to evaluate by means of a full track fit if a proposed extension of TRT hits matches with the associated silicon track. Three possible situations are treated in this algorithm:
The algorithm is coded in a general way and can work with any combination of original tracks and associated extensions given through a Trk::TrackExtensionMap and with any type of track fitter.
[1] T. Cornelissen et al., Concepts, Design and Implementation of the ATLAS New Tracking, ATLAS int.comm com-soft-2007_002
Name of the input Trackcollection in StoreGate. Default: Tracks
Name of the input extension map in StoreGate. Default: TrackExtensionMap
Name of the output Trackcollection under which it shall be written to StoreGate. Default: ExtendedTrack
Toolhandle for the track fitter. Default: Trk::KalmanFitter
Toolhandle for the track scorer. Default: Trk::TrackScoringTool
switch whether to run outlier logics or not. Default: True
switch whether to have the fit re-calibrated the clusters and drift circles (true) or not. Default: False
particle hypothesis to assume for material effects in track fit. Default: 4 (pion)
switch whether to keep failed extension as outlier hits on the new track. Default: True
0.8, 1.6, 2.1