- Author
- Nikos.Konstantinidis -at- cern.ch, Eric.Jansen -at- hef.ru.nl, Juergen.Thomas -at- cern.ch
This package contains the AlgToos that produce the XML fragments of Muon related datatypes for the XML files read by atlantis. The AlgTools, all inheriting from JiveXML::DataRetriever, are the following:
- JiveXML::CscPrepDataRetriever : retrieves the CSC strips. Property:
- StoreGateKey ( default "CSC_Clusters" ) the StoreGate location for the CSC clusters container (through which the digits are accessed).
- JiveXML::MdtPrepDataRetriever : retrieves the MDT drift circles. Property:
- StoreGateKey ( default "MDT_DriftCircles" ) the StoreGate location for the MDT drift circles container.
- JiveXML::MuidTrackRetriever : not used any more. Muid tracks are stored in storegate as a Trk::Track collection and are collected through the TrackRetriever in InDetJiveXML.
- JiveXML::RpcPrepDataRetriever : retrieves the RPC hits. Property:
- StoreGateKey : ( default "RPC_Measurements" ) the StoreGate location of the RPC hits container.
- JiveXML::CSCClusterRetriever : retrieves CSC clusters. Property:
- StoreGateKey ( default "CSC_Clusters" ) the StoreGate location for the CSC clusters container.
- JiveXML::MooreRetriever : not used any more. Moore tracks are stored in storegate as a Trk::Track collection and are collected through the TrackRetriever in InDetJiveXML.
- JiveXML::TgcPrepDataRetriever : retrieves the TGC hits. Property:
- StoreGateKey : ( default "TGC_Measurements" ) the StoreGate location of the TGC hits container.