ATLAS Offline Software


The calibration and conditions data for the pixel detector in the offline COOL database is stored in a format that is not directly useful or easily accessible in an athena component. Hence, after reading the data from the database it has to be converted into a more accessible format first, which is given by the classes provided in this package. The calibration data for the pixel detector is accessed through the class PixelCalibData. The class DetectorSpecialPixelMap holds the information about pixels with special properties.

The data objects can be created and managed using the tools and services provided in the packages PixelConditionsTools and PixelConditionsServices. The package PixelConditionsServices provides some example algorithms that illustrate the usage of the services.


The PixelCalibData is a class that designed to hold the calibration data for each module that contains 16 FE PixelChipSummaryData. The calibration data consist of threshold, timewalk information and Time over threshold calibration that averages per FE chip. The details can be found at

Special Pixel Map

There are two classes that are used together to hold the data about pixels with special properties, DetectorSpecialPixelMap and ModuleSpecialPixelMap. A DetectorSpecialPixelMap is a std::vector of pointers to ModuleSpecialPixelMaps. A ModuleSpecialPixelMap* is referenced by the IdentifierHash of the corresponding module.

A ModuleSpecialPixelMap is a map of the status codes of the special pixels on a single module. The status code for a pixel is referenced by a pixel ID which is independent of the position of the module in the detector. The pixel ID can be calculated with the method encodePixelID. The possible pixel status codes are explained on a wiki page:

More technical details about the format of the various unsigned integers can be found in the README file in the doc directory of the package PixelConditionsServices.

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