8 from PlotHelpers
import *
10 from inspect
import getmembers, isfunction
12 print "Importing my new stuff"
14 import CorrelationMatrixHelpers
18 print "Setting controls"
21 SetAxisRange.forceOneSided =
24 SetAxisRange.invertAxisColour =
25 DetermineStatValues.minInsteadOfMax =
29 print "Too few arguments. Expected the following:"
30 print " 1. Jet definition to study, such as AntiKt4LCTopo"
31 print " 2. Output plot file"
32 print " 3. Correlation uncertainties file, \"None\" is allowed"
33 print " 4. Whether to use relative differences instead of absolute, False is default"
34 print " 5. Input ROOT file in proper format"
35 print " Typically should be the output file from util/MakeCorrelationMatrixPlots.cxx"
36 print " 6+ Additional input ROOT files in proper format (optional)"
37 print " If additional files are specified, minimum correlation differences are plotted"
40 print "Getting arguments"
44 plotFileName = sys.argv[2]
45 if plotFileName.endswith(
46 print "Output plot file appears to be a root file, blocking for safety to not overwrite inputs"
47 print "Check input file:",plotFileName
49 corrUncFileName = sys.argv[3]
50 corrUncFile =
None if not corrUncFileName.endswith(
else TFile.Open(corrUncFileName,
53 print "Setting up matrices"
54 useRelativeMetric = TString(sys.argv[4]).EqualTo(
55 SetAxisRange.relativeAxis = useRelativeMetric
57 print "Getting file names"
58 inFileNames = sys.argv[5:]
59 inFiles = [TFile.Open(name,
for name
in inFileNames]
62 print "Checking and retrieving fixed pT/eta scan values from input files"
65 print fixedPtX,fixedPtY, fixedEtaX, fixedEtaY
72 print "Building raw 4D difference histograms by file"
76 print "1) still defined as:",fixedPtX,fixedPtY,fixedEtaX,fixedEtaY
82 if len(nominalPt) > 1:
83 print "Unexpected length of the nominal pT set, expected 1 but got ",len(nominalPt)
86 nominalPt = nominalPt[0]
88 if len(nominalEta) > 1:
89 print "Unexpected length of the nominal eta set, expected 1 but got ",len(nominalEta)
92 nominalEta = nominalEta[0]
94 print "2) still defined as:",fixedPtX,fixedPtY,fixedEtaX,fixedEtaY
103 print "Building 4D correlation uncertainty histograms"
111 print "3) still defined as:",fixedPtX,fixedPtY,fixedEtaX,fixedEtaY
116 print "Building 4D minimum difference histograms (with respect to nominal)"
122 print "Building 4D file-by-file difference histograms"
127 print "Building 4D maximum difference histograms (with respect to each other)"
132 if maxDiffPt: maxDiffPt.applyAbsValue()
133 if maxDiffEta: maxDiffEta.applyAbsValue()
136 print "4) still defined as:",fixedPtX,fixedPtY,fixedEtaX,fixedEtaY
141 print "Building 4D coverage histograms"
146 if coveragePt: coveragePt.plotType =
147 if coverageEta: coverageEta.plotType =
150 print "5) still defined as:",fixedPtX,fixedPtY,fixedEtaX,fixedEtaY
152 saveFixedEtaY = fixedEtaY[:]
153 saveFixedEtaX = fixedEtaX[:]
154 saveFixedPtX = fixedPtX[:]
155 saveFixedPtY = fixedPtY[:]
158 print "Building 4D coverage histograms including correlation uncertainties"
165 if coverageWithUncPt: coverageWithUncPt.plotType =
167 if coverageWithUncEta: coverageWithUncEta.plotType =
169 fixedEtaX = saveFixedEtaX
170 fixedEtaY = saveFixedEtaY
171 fixedPtX = saveFixedPtX
172 fixedPtY = saveFixedPtY
174 print "6) still defined as:",fixedPtX,fixedPtY,fixedEtaX,fixedEtaY
178 print "Writing results to file: ",(re.sub(
if plotFileName.endswith(
else (re.sub(
if plotFileName.endswith(
else plotFileName))
179 canvas = TCanvas(
"4D Correlation Matrix",0,0,2600,2200)
180 canvas.SetLeftMargin(0.09
if not useRelativeMetric
else 0.08)
181 canvas.SetRightMargin(0.19
if not useRelativeMetric
else 0.17)
182 canvas.SetBottomMargin(0.04)
183 canvas.SetTopMargin(0.12)
184 canvas.SetLogz(useRelativeMetric)
189 if not (plotFileName.endswith(
or plotFileName.endswith(
190 canvas.Print(plotFileName+
203 print "here, it is",fixedEtaX
206 CorrelationMatrixHelpers.saveHists4D(canvas,plotFileName,minDiffEta,
not useRelativeMetric,fixedEtaX,fixedEtaY,
"",drawATLASLabel=drawATLASLabel,additionalString =5)
207 CorrelationMatrixHelpers.saveHists4D(canvas,plotFileName,coverageEta,
not useRelativeMetric,fixedEtaX,fixedEtaY,
209 CorrelationMatrixHelpers.saveHists4D(canvas,plotFileName,coverageWithUncEta,
not useRelativeMetric,fixedEtaX,fixedEtaY,
212 if not (plotFileName.endswith(
or plotFileName.endswith(
213 canvas.Print(plotFileName+