ATLAS Offline Software
This is the complete list of members for IEnhancedBiasWeighter, including all inherited members.
addBranches() const =0 | DerivationFramework::IAugmentationTool | pure virtual |
getAverageLumi() const =0 | IEnhancedBiasWeighter | pure virtual |
getAverageMu() const =0 | IEnhancedBiasWeighter | pure virtual |
getBunchGroups() const =0 | IEnhancedBiasWeighter | pure virtual |
getDeadtime(const int lumiblock=-1) const =0 | IEnhancedBiasWeighter | pure virtual |
getDistanceIntoTrain(const xAOD::EventInfo *eventInfo, uint32_t &distance) const =0 | IEnhancedBiasWeighter | pure virtual |
getEBLiveTime(const xAOD::EventInfo *eventInfo) const =0 | IEnhancedBiasWeighter | pure virtual |
getEBLiveTime(const EventContext &context) const =0 | IEnhancedBiasWeighter | pure virtual |
getLBLength(const xAOD::EventInfo *eventInfo) const =0 | IEnhancedBiasWeighter | pure virtual |
getLBLength(const EventContext &context) const =0 | IEnhancedBiasWeighter | pure virtual |
getLBLumi(const xAOD::EventInfo *eventInfo) const =0 | IEnhancedBiasWeighter | pure virtual |
getLBLumi(const EventContext &context) const =0 | IEnhancedBiasWeighter | pure virtual |
getPairedBunches() const =0 | IEnhancedBiasWeighter | pure virtual |
getRunNumber() const =0 | IEnhancedBiasWeighter | pure virtual |
interfaceID() | DerivationFramework::IAugmentationTool | inlinestatic |
isGoodLB(const xAOD::EventInfo *eventInfo) const =0 | IEnhancedBiasWeighter | pure virtual |
isGoodLB(const EventContext &context) const =0 | IEnhancedBiasWeighter | pure virtual |
isMC() const =0 | IEnhancedBiasWeighter | pure virtual |
isUnbiasedEvent(const xAOD::EventInfo *eventInfo) const =0 | IEnhancedBiasWeighter | pure virtual |
parsePrescaleXML(const std::string &prescaleXML) const =0 | IEnhancedBiasWeighter | pure virtual |
~IAugmentationTool() | DerivationFramework::IAugmentationTool | inlinevirtual |