ATLAS Offline Software


This tool is concrete implementation for ISiTrackMaker and is devoted for list<Trk::Track*>& production using list<const Trk::SpacePoint*> as input.

This track finding algorithm contains 6 steps.

  1. SiTrackMaker_xk performs estimation initial track parameters of the trajectory using initial set space points.
  2. Using this track parameters and ISiDetElementsRoadMake tool produces detector elements road sorted in propagation order.
  3. Detector elements road are used as input for internal trajectory production. Each element of the trajectory contains information about detector element and all his clusters.
  4. Using Trk::PrepRawData from trigger space points test quality initial trajectory using Kalman filter-smoother formalism. The quality of trajectory is determined from its lengh or number of clusters, number holes and its total Xi2.
  5. If quality initial trajectory is good SiTrackMaker_xk make trajectory extension both in inner and outer radii using Kalman filter together with combinatorial pattern recognition. Combinatorial pattern recognition include investigation different possible trajectory prolongations and choice best of them.
    1. If a valid prolongations are exist SiTrackMaker_xk performs the final smoother procedure and convert internal trajectory to standard Trk::Track using IRIO_OnTrackCreator tool.

This algorithm uses IMagneticFieldTool, IPropagator, IUpdator, IRIO_OnTrackCreator, ISiDetElementsRoadMaker tools.