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class  beamspotman.BeamSpotOption




def beamspotman.check_commsep (option, opt, value)
def beamspotman.getT0DbConnection ()
def beamspotman.getTaskManager ()
def (message)
def beamspotman.dataset_from_run_and_tag (run, tag)
def beamspotman.run_jobs (script, ds_name, task_name, params, *args)


list beamspotman.__authors__ = ['Juerg Beringer', 'Carl Suster']
string beamspotman.__version__ = ' atlas/athena'
string beamspotman.__usage__
string beamspotman.proddir = '/afs/'
string beamspotman.produserfile = '/afs/'
string beamspotman.prodcoolpasswdfile = '/afs/'
string beamspotman.flaskcoolpasswdfile = '/afs/'
string beamspotman.proddqcoolpasswdfile = '/afs/'
string beamspotman.tier0dbinfofile = '/afs/'
string beamspotman.beamspottag = ''
string beamspotman.backuppath = '/eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/phys-beamspot/jobs/backup'
string beamspotman.archivepath = '/eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/phys-beamspot/jobs/archive'
 beamspotman.parser = OptionParser(usage=__usage__, version=__version__, option_class=BeamSpotOption)
 beamspotman.g_input = OptionGroup(parser, 'Input file options')
 beamspotman.g_mode = OptionGroup(parser, 'Mode flags')
 beamspotman.g_deprecated = OptionGroup(parser, 'Deprecated Options')
 beamspotman.cmd = args[0]
 beamspotman.cmdargs = args[1:]
 beamspotman.dbfile = args[1]
 beamspotman.passwd =
 beamspotman.flaskpasswd =
 beamspotman.stat = args[1]
 beamspotman.tag = args[2]
 beamspotman.dsname = cmdargs[0]
bool beamspotman.lbinfoinfiles = True
string beamspotman.lboptions = '--lbperjob=10' if lbinfoinfiles else '--files-per-job=10'
string beamspotman.queue = options.batch_queue or '"tomorrow"'
dictionary beamspotman.params
 beamspotman.p = s.split('=',1)
 beamspotman.tmplist = glob.glob(args[1]+'/')
list beamspotman.dirlist = []
 beamspotman.d = dslash[:-1]
string beamspotman.baklog = d+'/backup.log'
 beamspotman.status = status >> 8
 beamspotman.a = input('\nARE YOU SURE [n] ? ')
string beamspotman.tmpdir = '/tmp'
 beamspotman.outname = d.replace('/','-')+time.strftime('-%G_%m_%d.tar.gz')
string beamspotman.path = archivepath
 beamspotman.qual = ["where DSNAME like '%s' and TASKNAME like '%s'" % (dssel,tasksel)]
 beamspotman.taskname = cmdargs[1]
int beamspotman.steps = options.postprocsteps if len(cmdargs) < 3 else cmdargs[2].split(',')
 beamspotman.t = taskman.getTaskDict(taskName[0], taskName[1])
string beamspotman.ignoremode = '--passopt="--appendlocked --ignoremode %s"' % options.ignoremode
string beamspotman.batchmode = '--batch'
string beamspotman.uploadflag = dbfile[0]+'.uploaded'
string beamspotman.cooltags = options.beamspottag
string beamspotman.nextbeamspot = ''
string beamspotman.dir = os.path.join(dsname, task)
string beamspotman.griddsname = '%s.%s-%s' % (options.griduser,dsname,task)
 beamspotman.statfile = glob.glob('%s/000/*.status.SUBMITTED' % (dir))
 beamspotman.basename = statfile[0][:-17]
 beamspotman.tags = task.split('.')[-1]
string beamspotman.t0TaskName = '%s.recon.ESD.%s.beamspotproc.task' % (dsname,tags)
def = getT0DbConnection()
def beamspotman.cur = oracle.cursor()
 beamspotman.sql = str("SELECT status FROM tasks WHERE taskname='%s' AND tasktype='beamspotproc'" % t0TaskName)
def beamspotman.r = cur.fetchall()
 beamspotman.dssel = args[1]
 beamspotman.tasksel = args[2]
 beamspotman.runnr = t['RUNNR']
 beamspotman.n = taskman.getNTasks(["where DSNAME ='%s' and TASKNAME like '%s'" % (dsname,options.excludeiftask)])
 beamspotman.excludeList = options.excludeds.split(',')
 beamspotman.fullcmd = cmd % t
 beamspotman.earliestUpdateTime = time.time()-float(args[1])
 beamspotman.onDiskCode = TaskManager.OnDiskCodes['ALLONDISK']
 beamspotman.taskName = t['TASKNAME']
 beamspotman.datatag = taskName.split('.')[-1].split('_')[0]
string beamspotman.monTaskName = 'MON.%s.%s' % (taskName,datatag)
bool beamspotman.useRun = True
 beamspotman.m = next(taskman.taskIterDict('*',["where RUNNR =",DbParam(runnr),"and DSNAME =",DbParam(dsname),"and TASKNAME =",DbParam(monTaskName),"order by UPDATED desc"]))
 beamspotman.ptag = dsname.split('.')[0] = dsname.split('.')[2]
 beamspotman.fulldatatag = taskName.split('.')[-1]
string beamspotman.bstag = cooltags.split()[0]
string beamspotman.filter = 'AOD'
string beamspotman.t0dsname = '%s.merge.AOD.%s%%' % (dsname, datatag)
 beamspotman.c = getJobConfig('.',dsname,taskName)
bool beamspotman.submitjob = True
 beamspotman.eospath = options.eospath
string beamspotman.origt0TaskName = '%s.recon.AOD.%s%%.aodmerge.task' % (dsname,datatag)
string beamspotman.paramValues = ''
string beamspotman.testFlag = ''
 beamspotman.archivedCode = TaskManager.OnDiskCodes.get('RESULTSONDISK',None) if options.resultsondisk else TaskManager.OnDiskCodes.get('ARCHIVED',None)
list beamspotman.exceptList = ['*dqflags.txt', '*.gif', '*.pdf', '**', '*.argdict.gpickle', '*.AveBeamSpot.log', '*.PlotBeamSpotCompareReproc.log', '*.sh', '*.BeamSpotNt*', '*.BeamSpotGlobalNt.log', '*.status.*', '*.exit.*']
string beamspotman.oscmd = "find %s ! \‍( -name '%s' \‍) -type f -exec rm {} \;" % (dir, "' -or -name '".join(exceptList))
string beamspotman.basepath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), dsname, taskname)
 beamspotman.dircontents = os.listdir(basepath)
string beamspotman.condorScriptTemplate
string beamspotman.jobname = dir
string beamspotman.fullpath = os.path.join(basepath, dir)
bool beamspotman.isRunning = False
bool beamspotman.isFailed = False
dictionary beamspotman.jobConfig
string beamspotman.condorScript = condorScriptTemplate % jobConfig
 beamspotman.script = open('condorSubmit.sub','w')
string beamspotman.batchCmd = 'condor_submit condorSubmit.sub'
 beamspotman.jobopts = args[1]
 beamspotman.inputdata = args[4]
 beamspotman.lbperjob = options.lbperjob
list beamspotman.files = []
dictionary beamspotman.lbMap = {}
 beamspotman.backend = DiskUtils.EOS() if options.eos else None
dictionary beamspotman.jobFileDict = {}
dictionary beamspotman.jobLBDict = {}
int beamspotman.jobId = 1
 beamspotman.lbs = sorted(lbMap[f.split('/')[-1]])
int beamspotman.jobnr = i*lbperjob+1
list beamspotman.intlbs = []
dictionary beamspotman.jobParams = {}
 beamspotman.coolQuery = COOLQuery()
 beamspotman.lbTimes = coolQuery.getLbTimes( getRunFromName(dsname, None, True) )
 beamspotman.tokens = line.split()
list beamspotman.rlbs = [lb for (lb,time) in lbTimes.items() if (time[0] - tend/1e9)*(time[1] - tstart/1e9) < 0]
list beamspotman.filenames = []
string beamspotman.bcidTaskName = 'BCID.%s.%s' % (taskName,datatag)
 beamspotman.folderHandle = openBeamSpotDbFile(dbfile, dbName = 'OFLP200', forceNew = True)
int beamspotman.runMin = options.runMin if options.runMin is not None else 0
int beamspotman.runMax = options.runMax if options.runMax is not None else (1 << 31)-1
 beamspotman.dbName = options.destdbname