ATLAS Offline Software
python.AnalysisObjectSharedSequence Namespace Reference


def makeSharedObjectSequence (seq, deepCopyOutput=False, shallowViewOutput=True, postfix='', enableCutflow=False, enableKinematicHistograms=False, defineSystObjectLinks=False)

Function Documentation

◆ makeSharedObjectSequence()

def python.AnalysisObjectSharedSequence.makeSharedObjectSequence (   seq,
  deepCopyOutput = False,
  shallowViewOutput = True,
  postfix = '',
  enableCutflow = False,
  enableKinematicHistograms = False,
  defineSystObjectLinks = False 
Create an analysis algorithm sequence for shared post-processing of
all object types

This contains various algorithms for producing view containers (or
deep copied containers), as well as debugging output.  Typically
there has to be one such sequence for each object type and working
point.  Due to the highly regular format, as well as the number of
customizations (and all algorithms being switchable) it may be
more practical for the users to write their own version of this
for their use case.

Keyword arguments:
  deepCopyOutput -- If set to 'True', the output containers will be
                    standalone, deep copies (slower, but needed for xAOD
                    output writing)
  shallowViewOutput -- Create a view container if required
  postfix -- a postfix to apply to decorations and algorithm
             names.  this is required to make multiple such
             sequences for various object types and working points.
  enableCutflow -- Whether or not to dump the cutflow
  enableKinematicHistograms -- Whether or not to dump the kinematic histograms

Definition at line 6 of file

7  deepCopyOutput = False,
8  shallowViewOutput = True,
9  postfix = '',
10  enableCutflow = False,
11  enableKinematicHistograms = False,
12  defineSystObjectLinks = False ):
13  """Create an analysis algorithm sequence for shared post-processing of
14  all object types
16  This contains various algorithms for producing view containers (or
17  deep copied containers), as well as debugging output. Typically
18  there has to be one such sequence for each object type and working
19  point. Due to the highly regular format, as well as the number of
20  customizations (and all algorithms being switchable) it may be
21  more practical for the users to write their own version of this
22  for their use case.
24  Keyword arguments:
25  deepCopyOutput -- If set to 'True', the output containers will be
26  standalone, deep copies (slower, but needed for xAOD
27  output writing)
28  shallowViewOutput -- Create a view container if required
29  postfix -- a postfix to apply to decorations and algorithm
30  names. this is required to make multiple such
31  sequences for various object types and working points.
32  enableCutflow -- Whether or not to dump the cutflow
33  enableKinematicHistograms -- Whether or not to dump the kinematic histograms
35  """
37  # Make sure selection options make sense
38  if deepCopyOutput and shallowViewOutput:
39  raise ValueError ("deepCopyOutput and shallowViewOutput can't both be true!")
41  # Build links between nominal and systematic objects
42  # This is useful downstream for constructing the union of all selected objects
43  if defineSystObjectLinks:
44  if deepCopyOutput:
45  raise ValueError ("Systematic object links may not work correctly on deep copy output")
46  alg = createAlgorithm('CP::SystObjectLinkerAlg', 'SystObjLinker'+postfix)
47  seq.append( alg, inputPropName = 'input', stageName = 'selection' )
49  # Set up an algorithm used to create selection cutflow:
50  if enableCutflow:
51  alg = createAlgorithm( 'CP::ObjectCutFlowHistAlg', 'CutFlowDumperAlg' + postfix )
52  alg.histPattern = 'cflow' + postfix + '_%SYS%'
53  seq.append( alg, inputPropName = 'input', stageName = 'selection',
54  dynConfig = {'selections' : lambda meta : meta["selectionDecorNames"][:]} )
56  # Set up an algorithm that makes a view container using the selections
57  # performed previously:
58  if shallowViewOutput:
59  alg = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgViewFromSelectionAlg',
60  'ViewFromSelectionAlg' + postfix )
61  seq.append( alg, inputPropName = 'input', outputPropName = 'output',
62  stageName = 'selection',
63  dynConfig = {'selection' : lambda meta : meta["selectionDecorNamesOutput"][:]} )
65  # Set up an algorithm dumping the kinematic properties of the objects:
66  if enableKinematicHistograms:
67  alg = createAlgorithm( 'CP::KinematicHistAlg', 'KinematicDumperAlg' + postfix )
68  alg.histPattern = '%VAR%' + postfix + '_%SYS%'
69  seq.append( alg, inputPropName = 'input', stageName = 'selection',
70  dynConfig = {'preselection' : lambda meta : "&&".join (meta["selectionDecorNames"])})
72  # Set up a final deep copy making algorithm if requested:
73  if deepCopyOutput:
74  alg = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgViewFromSelectionAlg',
75  'DeepCopyMaker' + postfix )
76  alg.deepCopy = True
77  seq.append( alg, inputPropName = 'input', outputPropName = 'output',
78  stageName = 'selection',
79  dynConfig = {'selection' : lambda meta : meta["selectionDecorNamesOutput"][:]} )
80  pass
82  pass
def createAlgorithm(typeName, instanceName)
def makeSharedObjectSequence(seq, deepCopyOutput=False, shallowViewOutput=True, postfix='', enableCutflow=False, enableKinematicHistograms=False, defineSystObjectLinks=False)