ATLAS Offline Software
LVL1::IgFEXJetAlgo Member List

This is the complete list of members for LVL1::IgFEXJetAlgo, including all inherited members.

largeRfinder(const gTowersType &Atwr, const gTowersType &Btwr, const gTowersType &CNtwr, const gTowersType &Asat, const gTowersType &Bsat, const gTowersType &CNsat, int pucA, int pucB, int pucC, int gLJ_seedThrA, int gLJ_seedThrB, int gLJ_seedThrC, int gJ_ptMinToTopoCounts1, int gJ_ptMinToTopoCounts2, int jetThreshold, int gLJ_ptMinToTopoCounts1, int gLJ_ptMinToTopoCounts2, std::array< uint32_t, 7 > &ATOB1_dat, std::array< uint32_t, 7 > &ATOB2_dat, std::array< uint32_t, 7 > &BTOB1_dat, std::array< uint32_t, 7 > &BTOB2_dat, std::array< uint32_t, 7 > &CTOB1_dat, std::array< uint32_t, 7 > &CTOB2_dat) const =0LVL1::IgFEXJetAlgopure virtual
pileUpCalculation(gTowersType &twrs, int rhoThreshold_Max, int inputScale, int &PUCp) const =0LVL1::IgFEXJetAlgopure virtual