ATLAS Offline Software
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SegmentFitHelperFunctions.cxx File Reference
#include "MuonPatternHelpers/SegmentFitHelperFunctions.h"
#include "MuonSpacePoint/CalibratedSpacePoint.h"
#include "MuonPatternEvent/SegmentFitterEventData.h"
#include "GeoPrimitives/GeoPrimitivesHelpers.h"
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthMessaging.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/PhysicalConstants.h"
#include "GeoModelHelpers/throwExcept.h"
#include "xAODMuonPrepData/MdtDriftCircle.h"
#include "MuonSpacePoint/UtilFunctions.h"
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 This header ties the generic definitions in this package.


using MuonR4::SegmentFitHelpers::State = CalibratedSpacePoint::State


double MuonR4::SegmentFitHelpers::chiSqTerm (const Amg::Vector3D &posInChamber, const Amg::Vector3D &dirInChamber, const HoughHitType &measurement, MsgStream &msg)
 Calculates the chi2 contribuation to a linear segment line from an uncalibrated measurement. More...
double MuonR4::SegmentFitHelpers::chiSqTermMdt (const Amg::Vector3D &posInChamber, const Amg::Vector3D &dirInChamber, const HoughHitType &measurement, MsgStream &msg)
 Calculates the chi2 contribuation to a linear segment line from an uncalibrated Mdt measurement. More...
double MuonR4::SegmentFitHelpers::chiSqTermStrip (const Amg::Vector3D &posInChamber, const Amg::Vector3D &dirInChamber, const HoughHitType &measurement, MsgStream &msg)
 Calculates the chi2 contribuation to a linear segment line from an uncalibrated strip measurement. More...
double MuonR4::SegmentFitHelpers::chiSqTerm (const Amg::Vector3D &posInChamber, const Amg::Vector3D &dirInChamber, const double timeShift, std::optional< double > arrivalTime, const CalibratedSpacePoint &measurement, MsgStream &msg)
 Calculates the chi2 contribution from the given measurement. More...
double MuonR4::SegmentFitHelpers::chiSqTermMdt (const Amg::Vector3D &posInChamber, const Amg::Vector3D &dirInChamber, const CalibratedSpacePoint &mdtSpacePoint, MsgStream &msg)
 Calculates the chi2 contribution from a mdt space point to the segment line. More...
double MuonR4::SegmentFitHelpers::chiSqTermStrip (const Amg::Vector3D &posInChamber, const Amg::Vector3D &dirInChamber, const double timeShift, std::optional< double > arrivalTime, const CalibratedSpacePoint &strip, MsgStream &msg)
 Calculates the chi2 contribution from a strip measurement to the segment line. More...
double MuonR4::SegmentFitHelpers::chiSqTermBeamspot (const Amg::Vector3D &posInChamber, const Amg::Vector3D &dirInChamber, const CalibratedSpacePoint &beamSpotMeas, MsgStream &msg)
 Calculates the chi2 contribution from an external beam spot constraint. More...
std::vector< int > MuonR4::SegmentFitHelpers::driftSigns (const Amg::Vector3D &posInChamber, const Amg::Vector3D &dirInChamber, const std::vector< HoughHitType > &uncalibHits, MsgStream &msg)
 Calculates whether a segement line travereses the tube measurements on the left (-1) or right (1) side of the tube wire. More...
int MuonR4::SegmentFitHelpers::driftSign (const Amg::Vector3D &posInChamber, const Amg::Vector3D &dirInChamber, const HoughHitType &uncalibHit, MsgStream &msg)
 Calculates whether a segement line travereses the tube measurement on the left (-1) or right (1) side of the tube wire. More...
int MuonR4::SegmentFitHelpers::driftSign (const Amg::Vector3D &posInChamber, const Amg::Vector3D &dirInChamber, const CalibratedSpacePoint &calibHit, MsgStream &msg)
std::pair< std::vector< double >, double > MuonR4::SegmentFitHelpers::postFitChi2PerMas (const SegmentFit::Parameters &segPars, std::optional< double > arrivalTime, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< CalibratedSpacePoint >> &hits, MsgStream &msg)
 Calculates the chi2 per measurement and the chi2 itself after the fit is finished. More...