AthenaBarCodeImpl Node1 AthenaBarCodeImpl + TotalBits + UUIDBits + CounterBits + VersionBits + ReserveBits + SUUIDBits + SCounterBits + SVersionBits + SReserveBits - m_barcode - m_barcodeCounter + ~AthenaBarCodeImpl() + AthenaBarCodeImpl() + AthenaBarCodeImpl() + operator=() + getAthenaBarCode() + setAthenaBarCode() + hasSameAthenaBarCode() + hasSameAthenaBarCodeExcept Version() + getVersion() + newVersion() + setVersion() + dump() + createdInCurrentJob() + getReserveBits() + setReserveBits() + setDefaultHash() # setBits() # getBits() # initABC() - combineWithUUIDHash() - setUUIDHash() - hasUUIDHash() - getUUIDHash() - hashUUID() - getDefaultHash() - makeDefaultHash() Node2 AthenaBarCodeBase + getAthenaBarCode() + setAthenaBarCode() + hasSameAthenaBarCode() + hasSameAthenaBarCodeExcept Version() + getVersion() + newVersion() + setVersion() Node1->Node2 Node3 CaloCluster # m_dataStore # m_momentStore # m_ownDataStore # m_dataLink # m_shower # m_basicSignal # m_time # m_samplingPattern # m_errorValue - m_barrel - m_endcap - m_clusterSize - m_eta0 - m_phi0 - m_timeNorm - m_posNorm - m_posSamNorm - m_nBarrel - m_nEndcap and 20 more... + CaloCluster() + ~CaloCluster() + CaloCluster() + CaloCluster() + getVariable() + getVariable() + setVariable() + setVariable() + lockVariable() + unlockVariable() and 84 more... # updateKine() # variableBE() # getDataStore() # getDataStore() # getMomentStore() # getMomentStore() # getMomentStore() # getMomentStore() # getMomentStorePtrs() # setDataLink() # setStores() # setDataStore() # setSignalState() # resetSignalState() # setDefaultSignalState() - maybeSetVariable() - getRawE() - getRawEta() - getRawPhi() - getRawM() - getCalE() - getCalEta() - getCalPhi() - getCalM() - getAltE() and 19 more... Node2->Node3 Node4 eflowCaloCluster + eflowCaloCluster() + eflowCaloCluster() + eflowCaloCluster() + ~eflowCaloCluster() Node3->Node4