ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
34 static const InterfaceID IID_CaloTriggerTowerService(
"CaloTriggerTowerService", 1 , 0);
49 static const InterfaceID&
interfaceID() {
return IID_CaloTriggerTowerService; }
187 Gaudi::Property<std::string>
CxxUtils::CachedPointer< const CaloTTPpmRxIdMap > m_caloTTPpmRxIdMap
const LArEM_ID * m_emHelper
pointer to the LArEM offline Id helper
virtual StatusCode initialize() override
static const InterfaceID & interfaceID()
Retrieve interface ID.
CxxUtils::CachedPointer< const LArTTCellMap > m_TTCellMap
CxxUtils::CachedPointer< const CaloTTOnOffIdMap > m_caloTTOnOffIdMap
std::vector< Identifier > createCellIDvecLayer(const Identifier &id) const
Return a vector of offline Identifiers (corresponding helpers = LArEM_ID, LArHEC_ID,...
const CaloLVL1_ID * m_lvl1Helper
pointer to the Calo TT offline Id helper
Helper class for Calo TT online identifiers.
Tool providing the mapping of the online and offline TriggerTower identifiers as well as the TT-cells...
const LArOnlineID * m_onlineHelper
pointer to the LAr Online Id helper
unsigned int em_had(const HWIdentifier &id) const
return the corresponding sampling of channelId:
const LArTTCellMap * getTTCellMap() const
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_caloTTOnAttrIdMapKey
Cached pointer with atomic update.
Identifier whichTTID(const Identifier &id) const
return the offline id (CaloLVL1_ID) of the TT to which a cell id (CaloCell_ID) belongs The call is ...
HWIdentifier createTTChannelID(const Identifier &id, bool bQuiet=false) const
create a TT HWIdentifier from a TT Identifier
This is a StoreGate object holding the TT offline-online map.
const CaloTTOnOffIdMap * getCaloTTOnOffIdMap() const
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_TTCellMapKey
std::vector< Identifier > createCellIDvecTT(const Identifier &id) const
Return a vector of offline Identifiers (corresponding helpers = LArEM_ID, LArHEC_ID,...
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
Identifier cnvToIdentifier(const HWIdentifier &id, bool bQuiet=false) const
create a TT Identifier from a TT HWIdentifier
unsigned int pos_neg(const HWIdentifier &id) const
return 0 for z<0 channels and 1 for z>0 channels
const TTOnlineID * m_ttonlineHelper
pointer to the Calo TT online Id helper
bool is_in_lvl1(const Identifier &id) const
return true if the cell is in the lvl1 sums; some channels mapped to TT are only in HLT (last HEC c...
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_caloTTPpmRxIdMapKey
std::vector< L1CaloRxCoolChannelId > cnvCoolChannelIdToRxId(const L1CaloCoolChannelId &ppmCoolChannelId) const
returns a vector of L1CaloRxCoolChannelId corresponding to a L1CaloCoolChannelId
CxxUtils::CachedPointer< const CaloTTOnAttrIdMap > m_caloTTOnAttrIdMap
Helper class for offline TT identifiers.
const CaloTTOnAttrIdMap * getCaloTTOnAttrIdMap() const
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_caloTTOnOffIdMapKey
This is a StoreGate object holding the offline TT-cell map.
unsigned int barrel_endcap_fcal(const HWIdentifier &id) const
To know if a channel belongs to the barrel, end cap or fcal parts.
HWIdentifier cnvCoolChannelIdToHWID(const L1CaloCoolChannelId &coolChannelId) const
create an HWIdentifier from an TDAQ CoolChannelId
unsigned int module_type(const HWIdentifier &id) const
To get the type of the module connected to the channel:
L1CaloCoolChannelId createL1CoolChannelId(const HWIdentifier &id) const
create a CoolChannelId (used by TDAQ framework) from a HWIdentifier
This is a StoreGate object holding the TT PPM to RX channels map.
const CaloTTPpmRxIdMap * getCaloTTPpmRxIdMap() const
Helper class for LArEM offline identifiers.
L1CaloCoolChannelId cnvRxIdToCoolChannelId(const L1CaloRxCoolChannelId &rxCoolChannelId) const
returns a TDAQ CoolChannelId corresponding to a L1CaloRxCoolChannelId
CaloTriggerTowerService(const std::string &type, const std::string &name, const IInterface *parent)