ATLAS Offline Software
SegVec & chamberSegments(unsigned int chIndex)
std::vector< MuonSegment * > SegVec
ChSegVec & segmentsPerLayer()
NRpcCablingAlg reads raw condition data and writes derived condition data to the condition store.
const MuonSegmentCombination * m_observer_ptr
std::unique_ptr< MuonSegmentCombination > m_owner_combi
This pointer is valid if the summary does hold the.
std::unique_ptr< MuonSegmentCombination > release()
Releases the ownership over the SegmentCombination if the segment was constructed with a unique_ptr.
const MuonSegmentCombination * get() const
Returns the pointer used to create the segment collection.
ChSegVec m_segmentsPerChamberLayer
bool has_ownership() const
States whether the Summary has ownership over the contained segment or not.
MuonSegmentCombiSummary(const MuonSegmentCombination &segment)
const MuonSegmentCombination & segmentCombination() const
access to combi
std::vector< SegVec > ChSegVec
Muon::NSW_PadTriggerSegment segment(const NSWL1::PadTrigger &data)