ATLAS Offline Software
LVL1::gFEXaltMetAlgo Member List

This is the complete list of members for LVL1::gFEXaltMetAlgo, including all inherited members.

altMetAlgo(const gTowersCentral &Atwr, const gTowersCentral &Btwr, std::array< uint32_t, 4 > &outTOB) const overrideLVL1::gFEXaltMetAlgovirtual
cosLUT(const unsigned int phiIDX, const unsigned int aw) constLVL1::gFEXaltMetAlgoprivate
get_rho(const gTowersCentral &twrs) constLVL1::gFEXaltMetAlgoprivate
get_sigma(const gTowersCentral &twrs) constLVL1::gFEXaltMetAlgoprivate
gFEXaltMetAlgo(const std::string &type, const std::string &name, const IInterface *parent)LVL1::gFEXaltMetAlgo
initialize() overrideLVL1::gFEXaltMetAlgovirtual
metFPGA(const gTowersCentral &twrs, int &MET_x, int &MET_y, const unsigned short FPGA_NO) constLVL1::gFEXaltMetAlgoprivate
metTotal(const int A_MET_x, const int A_MET_y, const int B_MET_x, const int B_MET_y, int &MET_x, int &MET_y, int &MET) constLVL1::gFEXaltMetAlgoinlineprivate
rho_MET(const gTowersCentral &twrs, int &MET_x, int &MET_y, const int rho, const int sigma) constLVL1::gFEXaltMetAlgoprivate
setAlgoConstant(std::vector< int > &&A_thr, std::vector< int > &&B_thr, const int rhoPlusThr) overrideLVL1::gFEXaltMetAlgovirtual
sinLUT(const unsigned int phiIDX, const unsigned int aw) constLVL1::gFEXaltMetAlgoprivate
sumEt(const int A_sumEt, const int B_sumEt) constLVL1::gFEXaltMetAlgoprivate
sumEtFPGAnc(const gTowersCentral &twrs, const unsigned short FPGA_NO) constLVL1::gFEXaltMetAlgoprivate
sumEtFPGArms(const gTowersCentral &twrs, const int sigma) constLVL1::gFEXaltMetAlgoprivate