2 from AthenaCommon
import Logging
3 from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory
import CompFactory
4 from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator
import ComponentAccumulator
5 ufolog = Logging.logging.getLogger(
12 if vxContName2 == vxContName1 :
return vxContName1
13 if "" in [vxContName1, vxContName2] :
return vxContName1
or vxContName2
14 raise Exception(
" Error : incompatible VertexContainerName of 2 instance of TrackParticleClusterAssociationAlg : '{}' and '{}'".
format(vxContName1, vxContName2))
30 """Simple helper returning a function to build decoration keys """
31 return lambda d : trackParticleName+
33 def setupTrackCaloAssoc(flags, caloClusterName="CaloCalTopoClusters",detectorEtaName="default",trackParticleName="InDetTrackParticles", assocPostfix = "TCC", onlyPV0Tracks=False):
34 """ Schedule a TrackParticleClusterAssociationAlg in the top sequence, taking as input clusters and tracks defined
35 by the keys caloClusterName and trackParticleName.
37 onlyPV0Tracks : calculate associated clusters only for PV0 tracks. Avoids unnecessary calculation (used in the UFO case).
38 (IMPORTANT CaloExtensionBuilderAlg does extrapolate all tracks : if too much time consuming, it needs a new option to mask non-PV0 tracks)
47 from TrackToCalo.CaloExtensionBuilderAlgCfg
import CaloExtensionBuilderAlgCfg
49 caloExtAlg.TrkPartContainerName = trackParticleName
51 components.merge(caloExtAlg)
53 from TrackVertexAssociationTool.TrackVertexAssociationToolConfig
import TTVAToolCfg
54 TrackVertexAssoTool = components.popToolsAndMerge(
55 TTVAToolCfg(flags,
"tvaTool", WorkingPoint=
57 trackParticleClusterAssociation = CompFactory.TrackParticleClusterAssociationAlg(
58 "TrackParticleClusterAssociationAlg"+assocPostfix,
60 TrackParticleContainerName = trackParticleName,
62 CaloExtensionName = (caloExtAlg.getEventAlgos()[0]).ParticleCache,
63 CaloClusterLocation = caloClusterName,
64 DetectorEtaName = detectorEtaName
if detectorEtaName.lower() !=
"default" else (
"DetectorEta" if "Origin" in caloClusterName
else ""),
65 TrackVertexAssoTool=TrackVertexAssoTool,
66 VertexContainerName =
"PrimaryVertices" if onlyPV0Tracks
else "",
68 AssociatedClusterDecorKey = decorKey(
69 UseCovariance = flags.UFO.UseCov,
70 DeltaR = flags.UFO.dR,
75 components.addEventAlgo( trackParticleClusterAssociation )
80 def runTCCReconstruction(flags, caloClusterName="CaloCalTopoClusters", detectorEtaName = "default", trackParticleName="InDetTrackParticles",
81 assocPostfix="TCC", doCombined=False, doCharged=False, doNeutral=True, outputTCCName="TrackCaloClusters"):
83 Create a TrackCaloCluster collection from clusters and tracks (caloClusterName and trackParticleName).
84 Depending on options, the collection contains combined, neutral and/or charged TCC.
85 This functions schedules 2 TCC specific algs :
86 * a TrackCaloClusterInfoAlg to build the TrackCaloClusterInfo object
87 * a TrackCaloClusterAlg to build the TCC
90 from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator
import ComponentAccumulator
97 setupTrackCaloAssoc(flags, caloClusterName, detectorEtaName, trackParticleName, assocPostfix, onlyPV0Tracks=
102 tccInfoAlg = CompFactory.TrackCaloClusterInfoAlg(
104 TCCInfoName =
105 InputTracks = trackParticleName,
106 InputClusters = caloClusterName,
107 VertexContainer =
108 AssoClustersDecor = decorKey(
111 components.addEventAlgo( tccInfoAlg)
118 from TrackVertexAssociationTool.TrackVertexAssociationToolConfig
import TTVAToolCfg
120 TrackVertexAssoTool = components.popToolsAndMerge(
121 TTVAToolCfg(flags,
122 AssoClustersDecor=decorKey(
126 tccCombined = CompFactory.TCCCombinedTool(
"TCCcombined", **commonArgs)
127 tccTools.append(tccCombined)
129 tccCharged = CompFactory.TCCChargedTool(
"TCCCharged", **commonArgs )
130 tccTools.append(tccCharged)
132 tccNeutral = CompFactory.TCCNeutralTool(
"TCCNeutral", **commonArgs )
133 tccTools.append(tccNeutral)
135 tccAlg = CompFactory.TrackCaloClusterAlg(name =
136 OutputTCCName = outputTCCName,
141 components.addEventAlgo(tccAlg)
146 def runUFOReconstruction(flags, constits, caloClusterName="CaloCalTopoClusters", detectorEtaName = "default", assocPostfix="UFO", inputFEcontainerkey=""):
148 """Create a UFO collection from PFlow and tracks (PFO retrieved from PFOPrefix and tracks directly from trackParticleName).
149 This functions schedules 2 UFO specific algs :
150 * a TrackCaloClusterInfoUFOAlg to build the TrackCaloClusterInfo object
151 * a TrackCaloClusterAlg to build the UFO
153 from JetRecConfig.JetDefinition
import JetDefinition
154 from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator
import ComponentAccumulator
157 if isinstance(constits, JetDefinition):
159 constits = jdef.inputdef
160 trackParticleName = jdef._contextDic[
162 trackParticleName =
164 pfoVariant= constits.label.split(
171 setupTrackCaloAssoc(flags, caloClusterName, detectorEtaName, trackParticleName, assocPostfix, onlyPV0Tracks=
175 from TrackVertexAssociationTool.TrackVertexAssociationToolConfig
import TTVAToolCfg
177 TrackVertexAssoTool = components.popToolsAndMerge(
178 TTVAToolCfg(flags,
179 AssoClustersDecor=decorKey(
183 inputFEcontainerkey = inputFEcontainerkey
or constits.containername
186 UFOInfoAlg = CompFactory.TrackCaloClusterInfoUFOAlg(f
187 TCCInfoName = pfoVariant+
188 InputTracks = trackParticleName,
189 InputClusters = caloClusterName,
190 VertexContainer =
191 InputPFO=inputFEcontainerkey,
192 OriginPFO=
198 components.addEventAlgo( UFOInfoAlg)
200 tccUFO = CompFactory.UFOTool(f
201 ClusterECut = UFOInfoAlg.ClusterECut,
202 InputPFO=inputFEcontainerkey,
203 OriginPFO=
207 UFOAlg = CompFactory.TrackCaloClusterAlg(name = f
208 OutputTCCName = f
209 TCCInfo = UFOInfoAlg.TCCInfoName ,
210 TCCTools = [tccUFO,],
215 components.addEventAlgo( UFOAlg)