LVL1TGCTrigger::TGCRPhiCoincidenceMatrix Node1 LVL1TGCTrigger::TGCRPhiCoincidence Matrix - m_nPhiHit - m_SSCId - m_r - m_dR - m_ptR - m_phi - m_dPhi - m_ptPhi - m_sideId + setSSCId() + setSideId() + setCoincidenceLUT() + inputR() + inputPhi() + clear() + doCoincidence() + TGCRPhiCoincidenceMatrix() + ~TGCRPhiCoincidenceMatrix() + TGCRPhiCoincidenceMatrix() + operator=() + tgcArgs() Node45 LVL1TGCTrigger::TGCSector Logic - m_bid - m_id - m_sideId - m_sectorId - m_moduleId - m_octantId - m_region - m_NumberOfWireHighPtBoard - m_useEIFI - m_useTileMu - m_useGoodMF - m_nswSide - m_wordTileMuon - m_wordInnerStation + TGCSectorLogic() + ~TGCSectorLogic() + TGCSectorLogic() + getTrackSelectorOutput() + getTileMuonWord() + getInnerStationWord() + clockIn() + getId() + getModuleID() + getOctantID() and 18 more... # collectInput() # doInnerCoincidence() # doInnerCoincidence() # doTGCNSWCoincidence() # doTGCBIS78Coincidence() # doTILECoincidence() # doTGCEICoincidence() # doTGCFICoincidence() - operator=() - hitTileMu() Node1->Node45 -m_matrix Node2 LVL1TGCTrigger::TGCArguments - m_MSGLEVEL - m_SHPT_ORED - m_USE_INNER - m_INNER_VETO - m_TILE_MU - m_USE_CONDDB - m_useRun3Config - m_USE_NSW - m_FORCE_NSW_COIN - m_USE_BIS78 + TGCArguments() + ~TGCArguments() + set_MSGLEVEL() + set_SHPT_ORED() + set_USE_INNER() + set_INNER_VETO() + set_TILE_MU() + set_USE_CONDDB() + set_useRun3Config() + set_USE_NSW() and 14 more... Node2->Node1 -m_tgcArgs Node6 LVL1TGC::BigWheelCoincidenceLUT # N_COIN_TYPE - m_fullCW + BigWheelCoincidenceLUT() + ~BigWheelCoincidenceLUT() + BigWheelCoincidenceLUT() + operator=() + readMap() + test() + getMapType() + getVersion() + tgcArgs() # getTYPE() - BigWheelCoincidenceLUT() Node2->Node6 -m_tgcArgs Node2->Node45 -m_tgcArgs Node3 std::string Node3->Node2 -m_NSWSideInfo Node3->Node6 -m_verName Node5 std::shared_ptr< const LVL1TGC::BigWheelCoincidenceLUT > + operator->() Node5->Node1 -m_lut Node6->Node5 +ptr Node45->Node1 -m_sectorLogic Node56 LVL1TGCTrigger::TGCTrack Selector - m_trackPriorityRank - m_numberOfCandidate_In - m_numberOfCandidate_Out + TGCTrackSelector() + ~TGCTrackSelector() + reset() + input() + select() + getTrackSelectorOut() + compare() Node45->Node56 -m_sectorLogic Node46 std::shared_ptr< const LVL1TGC::TGCNSW > + operator->() Node46->Node45 -m_nsw Node56->Node45 -m_trackSelector Node59 LVL1TGCTrigger::TGCHighPt ChipOut + s_NHitInTrackSelector - m_bid - m_pt - m_pos - m_hitID - m_dev - m_select + TGCHighPtChipOut() + TGCHighPtChipOut() + TGCHighPtChipOut() + ~TGCHighPtChipOut() + operator=() + getPt() + getPos() + getHitID() + getDev() + getSel() and 10 more... Node59->Node45 -m_wireHighPtChipOut -m_stripHighPtChipOut Node58 LVL1TGCTrigger::TGCRPhiCoincidenceOut - m_idSSC - m_pT - m_phi - m_r - m_dR - m_dPhi - m_innerVeto - m_RoI - m_charge - m_coincidenceTypeFlag - m_goodMFFlag - m_innerCoincidenceFlag + TGCRPhiCoincidenceOut() + ~TGCRPhiCoincidenceOut() + getPhi() + getR() + getIdSSC() + getDR() + getDPhi() + getInnerVeto() + getCharge() + getCoincidenceType() and 19 more... Node58->Node1 -m_matrixOut