EL::BatchJob Node1 EL::BatchJob + BatchJob() + ~BatchJob() + ClassDef() Node2 TObject Node2->Node1 Node4 EL::BatchSegment + sample + job_id + begin_file + begin_event + end_file + end_event + BatchSegment() + ~BatchSegment() + ClassDef() Node2->Node4 Node8 EL::BatchSample + begin_segments + end_segments + BatchSample() + ~BatchSample() + ClassDef() Node2->Node8 Node3 std::vector< EL::BatchSegment > Node3->Node1 +segments Node4->Node3 +elements Node5 std::string Node5->Node1 +location Node5->Node4 +fullName +sampleName +segmentName Node5->Node8 +name Node13 EL::Job + optRemoveSubmitDir + optSubmitDirMode + optUniqueDateFormat + optAlgorithmTimer + optAlgorithmMemoryMonitor + optFactoryPreload + optMaxEvents + optSkipEvents + optWorkerConfigFile + optFilesPerWorker and 58 more... + optRetries + optRetriesWait + optMemResidentPerEventIncrease Limit + optMemResidentIncreaseLimit + optMemVirtualIncreaseLimit + optMemFailOnLeak + testInvariant() + Job() + Job() + ~Job() + operator=() + sampleHandler() + sampleHandler() + algsAdd() + algsAdd() + algsAdd() and 16 more... * optRetries * optRetriesWait * optMemResidentPerEventIncrease Limit * optMemResidentIncreaseLimit * optMemVirtualIncreaseLimit * optMemFailOnLeak Node5->Node13 +optDockerOptions +optXaodAccessMode _athena +optD3PDCacheMinByte +optMemVirtualPerEventIncrease Limit +optBatchConfigFile +optGridMergeOutput +optGridMaxNFilesPerJob +optGridExcludedSite +optLocalNoUnsetup +optXaodAccessMode_branch ... Node6 std::basic_string< char > Node6->Node5 Node7 std::vector< EL::BatchSample > Node7->Node1 +samples Node8->Node7 +elements Node12 std::vector< unsigned > + elements Node12->Node1 +njobs_old Node13->Node1 +job