ATLAS Offline Software
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11 #include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
21 class G4LogicalVolume;
TrackProcessorUserActionPassBack(const Config &config)
GenParticle * GenParticlePtr
ISF::IParticleBroker * m_particleBrokerQuick
quick access avoiding gaudi overhead
ISF::IGeoIDSvc * m_geoIDSvcQuick
quick access avoiding gaudi overhead
ISF::TruthBinding * newTruthBinding(const G4Track *aTrack, HepMC::GenParticlePtr currentGenParticle) const
create a new TruthBinding object for the given G4Track (may return 0 if unable)
ServiceHandle< ISF::IGeoIDSvc > geoIDSvc
ISF::ISFParticle * newISFParticle(G4Track *aTrack, const ISF::ISFParticle *parent, HepMC::GenParticlePtr currentGenParticle, AtlasDetDescr::AtlasRegion nextGeoID)
double passBackEkinThreshold
properties to define which particles are returned to ISF
void ISFSteppingAction(const G4Step *, ISF::ISFParticle *curISP) override final
Called by the base class after the G4Track->ISFParticle association has been established.
void returnParticleToISF(G4Track *aTrack, const ISF::ISFParticle *parentISP, HepMC::GenParticlePtr currentGenParticle, AtlasDetDescr::AtlasRegion nextGeoID)
kills the given G4Track, converts it into an ISFParticle and returns it to the ISF particle broker
ServiceHandle< ISF::IParticleBroker > particleBroker
bool killBoundaryParticlesBelowThreshold
unsigned int verboseLevel