2 Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
5 #include "AthenaMonitoringKernel/Monitored.h"
6 #include "xAODInDetMeasurement/ContainerAccessor.h"
7 #include "ActsInterop/TableUtils.h"
11 template <typename IClusteringTool, bool useCache>
12 ClusterizationAlg<IClusteringTool, useCache>::ClusterizationAlg(const std::string& name,
13 ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
14 : AthReentrantAlgorithm(name, pSvcLocator)
17 template <typename IClusteringTool, bool useCache>
18 StatusCode ClusterizationAlg<IClusteringTool, useCache>::initialize()
20 ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Initializing " << name() << " ...");
22 ATH_CHECK(m_rdoContainerKey.initialize());
23 ATH_CHECK(m_clusterContainerKey.initialize());
24 ATH_CHECK(m_roiCollectionKey.initialize());
26 ATH_CHECK(m_clusteringTool.retrieve());
27 ATH_CHECK(m_regionSelector.retrieve());
29 ATH_CHECK(detStore()->retrieve(m_idHelper, m_idHelperName));
32 ATH_CHECK(m_monTool.retrieve(EnableTool{not m_monTool.empty()}));
35 ATH_CHECK(m_ClusterCache.initialize(useCache));
36 ATH_CHECK(m_ClusterCacheBackend.initialize(useCache));
38 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
41 template <typename IClusteringTool, bool useCache>
42 StatusCode ClusterizationAlg<IClusteringTool, useCache>::finalize()
44 ATH_MSG_INFO("Clusterization statistics" << std::endl << makeTable(m_stat,
45 std::array<std::string, kNStat>{
50 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
53 template <typename IClusteringTool, bool useCache>
54 StatusCode ClusterizationAlg<IClusteringTool, useCache>::execute(const EventContext& ctx) const
56 auto timer = Monitored::Timer<std::chrono::milliseconds>( "TIME_execute" );
57 auto mon_nclusters = Monitored::Scalar<int>("NClustersCreated");
58 auto mon = Monitored::Group( m_monTool, timer, mon_nclusters );
60 Cache_WriteHandle cacheHandle;
61 if constexpr (useCache) {
62 cacheHandle = Cache_WriteHandle(m_ClusterCache, ctx);
63 auto updateHandle = Cache_BackendUpdateHandle(m_ClusterCacheBackend, ctx);
64 ATH_CHECK(updateHandle.isValid());
65 ATH_CHECK(cacheHandle.record(std::make_unique<Cache_IDC>(updateHandle.ptr())));
66 ATH_CHECK(cacheHandle.isValid());
69 SG::ReadHandle<RDOContainer> rdoContainer = SG::makeHandle(m_rdoContainerKey, ctx);
70 ATH_CHECK(rdoContainer.isValid());
72 SG::WriteHandle<ClusterContainer> clusterHandle = SG::makeHandle(m_clusterContainerKey, ctx);
73 ATH_CHECK(clusterHandle.record( std::make_unique<ClusterContainer>(),
74 std::make_unique<ClusterAuxContainer>() ));
75 ClusterContainer *clusterContainer = clusterHandle.ptr();
76 // Reserve space, estimate of mean clusters to reduce re-allocations
77 clusterContainer->reserve( m_expectedClustersPerRDO.value() * rdoContainer->size() );
81 // retrieve the RoI as provided from upstream algos
82 SG::ReadHandle<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection> roiCollectionHandle = SG::makeHandle( m_roiCollectionKey, ctx );
83 ATH_CHECK(roiCollectionHandle.isValid());
84 const TrigRoiDescriptorCollection *roiCollection = roiCollectionHandle.cptr();
86 // Get list of Hash Ids from the RoI
87 std::vector<IdentifierHash> listOfIds;
88 for (const auto* roi : *roiCollection) {
90 m_regionSelector->lookup(ctx)->HashIDList(*roi, listOfIds);
91 // We'd need to first check the id hashes have not already been processed beforehand, and only then
92 // add it to the list of ids to be processed.
93 for (const IdentifierHash id : listOfIds) {
94 //obtain the write handle directly when we decide to process a given idhash
95 //this will ensure that proper waiting
96 Cache_IDCLock cache_wh;
97 if constexpr (useCache) {
98 //obtain a write handle
99 auto tmp = cacheHandle->getWriteHandle(id);
100 Cache_IDCLock::Swap(cache_wh, tmp);
101 //check if already available
102 if(cache_wh.OnlineAndPresentInAnotherView()) continue;
105 auto prev_len = clusterContainer->size();
107 // If not already processed, do it now
108 const RawDataCollection* rdos = rdoContainer->indexFindPtr(id);
109 if (rdos != nullptr && !rdos->empty()) {
110 m_stat[kNRdo] += rdos->size();
111 ATH_CHECK(m_clusteringTool->clusterize(*rdos, *m_idHelper, ctx,*clusterContainer));
114 if constexpr (useCache) {
116 ATH_CHECK(Cache::Helper<BaseClusterType>::insert(cache_wh, clusterContainer, prev_len, clusterContainer->size()));
120 mon_nclusters = clusterContainer->size();
122 m_stat[kNClusters] += clusterContainer->size();
123 ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Clusters produced size: "<<clusterContainer->size());
124 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
128 } // namespace ActsTrk