ATLAS Offline Software
LArAutoCorrTotal Member List

This is the complete list of members for LArAutoCorrTotal, including all inherited members.

autoCorrTotal(const IdentifierHash &hid, int gain, float Nminbias) constLArAutoCorrTotal
autoCorrTotal(const HWIdentifier &hwid, int gain, float Nminbias) constLArAutoCorrTotal
autoCorrTotal(const Identifier &id, int gain, float Nminbias) constLArAutoCorrTotal
computeAutoCorr(const std::vector< float > &terms, float Nminbias) constLArAutoCorrTotal
computeRMS(const std::vector< float > &terms, float Nminbias) constLArAutoCorrTotal
LArAutoCorrTotal(const LArOnlineID_Base *onlineID, const LArOnOffIdMapping *cabling, const size_t nGains)LArAutoCorrTotal
samplRMS(const IdentifierHash &hid, int gain, float Nminbias) constLArAutoCorrTotal
samplRMS(const HWIdentifier &hwid, int gain, float Nminbias) constLArAutoCorrTotal
samplRMS(const Identifier &id, int gain, float Nminbias) constLArAutoCorrTotal
set(const IdentifierHash &hid, const int gain, std::vector< float > &autocorrtotal)LArAutoCorrTotal
vecAutoCorrTotal typedefLArAutoCorrTotalprivate