ISF::BaseSimulatorTool Node1 ISF::BaseSimulatorTool # m_chronoSvcName # m_chrono + BaseSimulatorTool() + ~BaseSimulatorTool() + sysInitialize() + initialize() + setupEvent() + setupEventST() + simulate() + simulateVector() + releaseEvent() + releaseEventST() + chronoStart() + chronoStop() - BaseSimulatorTool() Node3 iGeant4::G4LegacyTransportTool - m_doTiming - m_accumulatedEventTime - m_accumulatedEventTimeSq - m_nrOfEntries - m_runTimer - m_eventTimer - ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE - m_mcEventCollectionName - m_g4RunManagerHelper - m_pRunMgr and 17 more... + G4LegacyTransportTool() + ~G4LegacyTransportTool() + initialize() + ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE() + finalize() + finalizeOnce() + simulate() + simulateVector() + setupEvent() + releaseEvent() + simFlavor() - commandLog() - genEvent() * m_doTiming * m_accumulatedEventTime * m_accumulatedEventTimeSq * m_nrOfEntries * m_runTimer * m_eventTimer * ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE * m_mcEventCollectionName * m_g4RunManagerHelper * m_pRunMgr and 17 more... Node1->Node3 Node4 iGeant4::G4TransportTool + G4TransportTool() + ~G4TransportTool() + initialize() + ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE() + finalize() + finalizeOnce() + simulate() + simulateVector() + setupEvent() + releaseEvent() + simFlavor() - commandLog() - genEvent() * passbackAction_t * passbackActionMap_t * m_doTiming * m_accumulatedEventTime * m_accumulatedEventTimeSq * m_nrOfEntries * m_runTimer * m_eventTimer * ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE * m_mcEventCollectionName and 17 more... Node1->Node4 Node5 ISF::ActsFatrasSimTool - m_rngSvc - ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE - m_randomEngineName - m_trackingGeometryTool - m_trackingGeometry - m_fieldCacheCondObjInputKey - m_logger - m_particleFilter - m_truthRecordSvc - m_interact_minPt and 12 more... + ActsFatrasSimTool() + ~ActsFatrasSimTool() + initialize() + simulate() + simulateVector() + setupEvent() + releaseEvent() + simFlavor() + getMagneticFieldContext() - retrieveTool() - getATLASProcessCode() Node1->Node5 Node6 ISF::FastCaloSimV2Tool - m_paramSvc - m_doPunchThrough - m_punchThroughTool - m_caloCellMakerToolsSetup - m_caloCellMakerToolsRelease - m_FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation - m_theContainer - m_theContainerPtr - m_caloCellKey - m_rndmGenSvc - m_randomEngineName - m_caloCellsOutputName - m_truthRecordSvc + FastCaloSimV2Tool() + ~FastCaloSimV2Tool() + initialize() + simulate() + setupEvent() + setupEventST() + releaseEvent() + releaseEventST() + simFlavor() - commonSetup() Node1->Node6 Node7 ISF::FatrasSimTool - m_IDsimulationTool - m_useExtrapolator - m_simulationTool - m_particleFilter + FatrasSimTool() + ~FatrasSimTool() + initialize() + simulate() + setupEvent() + releaseEvent() + simFlavor() Node1->Node7 Node8 ISF::ParticleKillerSimTool + ParticleKillerSimTool() + ~ParticleKillerSimTool() + initialize() + simulate() + simulateVector() + setupEvent() + releaseEvent() + simFlavor() Node1->Node8 Node2 extends< AthAlgTool, ISimulatorTool > Node2->Node1