MuonCaloEnergiesCnv Node1 MuonCaloEnergiesCnv + MuonCaloEnergiesCnv() # initialize() # getTopLevelTPCnv() # readObjectFromPool() # clone() Node2 MuonCaloEnergiesCnvBase + T_AthenaPoolExtendingCnv() # getTopLevelTPCnv() # readObjectFromPool() # readObject() # writeObject() # baseAthenaPoolCnv() # wasClonedFrom() # needsCloning() # setToken() # poolReadObject() # poolReadObject() # name() # createPersistent() # createTransient() Node2->Node1 Node3 T_AthenaPoolCustomCnv < TRANS, PERS > # createPersistent() # createPersistentWithKey() # createTransient() # createTransientWithKey() Node3->Node2 #m_originalExtendingCnv Node4 T_AthenaPoolCustomCnvWith Key< TRANS, PERS > + T_AthenaPoolCustomCnvWithKey() # createPersistentWithKey() # createTransientWithKey() # poolReadObject() # poolReadObject() # keepPoolObj() # transToPers() # persToTrans() # DataObjectToPers() # DataObjectToPool() # PoolToDataObject() # cleanUp() Node4->Node3 Node35 MuonCaloEnergyContainerCnv_tlp1 + MuonCaloEnergyContainerCnv_tlp1() + ~MuonCaloEnergyContainer Cnv_tlp1() + setPStorage() + getConverterID() Node35->Node1 -m_TPConverter Node36 AthenaPoolTopLevelTPConverter < MuonCaloEnergyContainerCnv _p1, MuonCaloEnergyContainer_tlp1 > # m_mainConverter + setPStorage() + TopLevelTPConverter() + createTransient() + createTransientWithKey() + createTransient() + createPersistent() + createPersistentWithKey() + addMainTPConverter() + setMainCnvPStorage() + getConverterID() and 8 more... Node36->Node35 Node37 TopLevelTPCnvBaseP < TL_PERS > # m_tlPersObject + setPStorage() + TopLevelTPCnvBaseP() + ~TopLevelTPCnvBaseP() + TopLevelTPCnvBaseP() + operator=() + hasTLPersObject() + createTLPersObject() + deleteTLPersObject() + getTLPersObject() + getTLPersObject() and 7 more... Node37->Node36 Node42 ITPCnvBase + ~ITPCnvBase() + persToTransUntyped() + persToTransWithKeyUntyped() + transToPersUntyped() + transToPersWithKeyUntyped() + transientTInfo() + persistentTInfo() Node42->Node36 Node45 CaloEnergyCnv_p2 + CaloEnergyCnv_p2() + persToTrans() + transToPers() + persToTrans() + transToPers() + registerStreamerConverter() Node45->Node35 #m_caloEnergyCnv Node46 T_AthenaPoolTPPolyCnvBase < Trk::EnergyLoss, CaloEnergy, CaloEnergy_p2 > + TPPolyCnvBase() + ~TPPolyCnvBase() + createTransient() + createTransientWithKey() + virt_createTransFromPStore() + virt_createTransFromPStore WithKey() Node46->Node45