ATLAS Offline Software
Namespaces | Variables File Reference

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 01SubmitToGrid.config = TopExamples.grid.Config()
 fancy function to shorten the physics part of the name of a sample def MyFancyShortener(superLongInDSName): splitted = superLongInDSName.split('. More...
list 01SubmitToGrid.names
 Command line interface If you want a script that ask you what you want to run on interactively, and uses lists of primary xAODs to convert them as TOPQ derivations Otherwise you can edit the automatic scripts below names, derivation, ptag = DerivationTags.InteractiveSubmission() samples = TopExamples.grid.Samples(names) TopExamples.grid.convertAODtoTOPQ(derivation, ptag, samples) TopExamples.grid.submit(config, samples) More...
 01SubmitToGrid.samples = TopExamples.grid.Samples(names)