DoubleEventSelectorAthenaPool Node1 DoubleEventSelectorAthenaPool - m_secondarySelector - m_secondaryAttrListSuffix - m_secondaryByteStream - m_sourceID1 - m_sourceID2 + DoubleEventSelectorAthenaPool() + ~DoubleEventSelectorAthenaPool() + initialize() + next() + next() + seek() + size() + handle() - recordAttributeList() Node2 EventSelectorAthenaPool - m_endIter - ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE - ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE - ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE - ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE - m_athenaPoolCnvSvc - m_incidentSvc - m_isSecondary - m_processMetadata - m_collectionType and 34 more... + EventSelectorAthenaPool() + ~EventSelectorAthenaPool() + initialize() + start() + stop() + finalize() + queryInterface() + createContext() + next() + next() and 17 more... # nextHandleFileTransition() # nextWithSkip() # recordAttributeList() # fillAttributeList() # disconnectIfFinished() - eventStore() - reinit() - getCollectionCnv() - findEvent() - fireEndFileIncidents() - inputCollectionsHandler() Node2->Node1 Node3 extends<::AthService, IEvtSelector, IEvtSelector Seek, IEventShare, IIoComponent, IIncidentListener, ISecondaryEventSelector > Node3->Node2