LArCaliWaveValidationAlg Node1 LArCaliWaveValidationAlg - m_timeShift - m_ampGlobalVal - m_fwhmGlobalVal - m_ampGlobalRef - m_fwhmGlobalRef - m_nEntriesGlobal + LArCaliWaveValidationAlg() - validateChannel() - getRefObj() - summary() - preLoop() - febSummary() Node2 LArCaliWaveValidationBase # m_myMsgLvl # m_myMsgLvlProp # m_problemsToMask # m_patchCBs # m_isSC # m_reference # m_validation # m_nc_validation # m_useBCInfo # m_checkCompleteness and 10 more... + LArCalibValidationAlg() + ~LArCalibValidationAlg() + initialize() + execute() + stop() + finalize() # preLoop() # validateChannel() # getRefObj() # summary() # channelDescription() - checkCoolChannelCompleteness() - patchMissingFEBs() - patchMissingCalibBoards() - febOutput() - findFailedPatterns() Node2->Node1 Node3 AthAlgorithm - m_extendedExtraObjects + AthAlgorithm() + ~AthAlgorithm() + sysInitialize() + extraOutputDeps() - AthAlgorithm() - AthAlgorithm() - operator=() Node3->Node2 Node10 LArBadChannelMask - m_bitMask - m_isSC + LArBadChannelMask() + buildBitMask() + cellShouldBeMasked() + cellShouldBeMasked() + isSC() + setSC() Node10->Node2 #m_bcMask Node22 std::vector< CHECKEDID_t > Node22->Node2 #m_checkedIds Node25 SG::ReadCondHandleKey < LArCalibLineMapping > + ReadCondHandleKey() + ReadCondHandleKey() Node25->Node2 #m_CLKey Node19 std::vector< std::string > Node19->Node1 -m_fwhmToleranceInit -m_fwhmToleranceFEBInit -m_ampToleranceFEBInit -m_ampToleranceInit Node19->Node2 -m_gainMap Node151 std::vector< LArCaliWave ValidationAlg::DataPerFEB > Node151->Node1 -m_vDataPerFEB Node153 CaloCellGroupList - m_initialized + CaloCellGroupList() + setDefinition() + dump() + printDef() + valuesForCell() + getDefaults() Node153->Node1 -m_ampToleranceFEB -m_fwhmToleranceFEB -m_fwhmTolerance -m_ampTolerance Node158 LArWaveHelper + translate() + Dtranslate() + getMin() + getMax() + getDMax() + derive() + derive_smooth() + autocorr() + subSample() + getBaseline() and 17 more... - fact() - linfit() - expfit() - polyfit() - get_fit_vectors() Node158->Node1 -m_waveHelper