ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 # Copyright (C) 2002-2021 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
3 #--------------------------------------------------------------
4 # EVGEN configuration
5 #--------------------------------------------------------------
6 evgenConfig.description = "POWHEG+Pythia8 WWj production with A14 NNPDF2.3 tune."
7 evgenConfig.keywords = ["SM", "diboson", "WW", "1jet"]
8 = [""]
10 # --------------------------------------------------------------
11 # Load ATLAS defaults for the Powheg WWj process
12 # --------------------------------------------------------------
13 include("PowhegControl/")
15 #--------------------------------------------------------------
16 # This is an example joboption to generate events with Powheg
17 # using ATLAS' interface. Users should optimise and carefully
18 # validate the settings before making an official sample request.
19 #--------------------------------------------------------------
21 # --------------------------------------------------------------
22 # parameters for integration precision - very low values for quick testing!
23 # --------------------------------------------------------------
24 PowhegConfig.ncall1 = "30"
25 PowhegConfig.ncall2 = "30"
26 PowhegConfig.ncall2rm = "30"
27 PowhegConfig.nubound = "30"
29 # --------------------------------------------------------------
30 # setting the decay channel
31 # --------------------------------------------------------------
32 # Possible values (PowhegControl syntax):
33 # "w+ w- > e+ ve e- ve~"
34 # "w+ w- > mu+ vm mu- vm~"
35 # "w+ w- > tau+ vt tau- vt~"
36 # "w+ w- > e+ ve mu- vm~ / mu+ vm e- ve~"
37 # "w+ w- > l+ vl l'- vl'~"
38 # "w+ w- > l+ vl j j / j j l- vl~"
39 # "w+ w- > e+ ve j j / j j e- ve~ / mu+ vmu j j / j j mu- vmu~"
40 # "w+ w- > j j j j"
41 # "w+ w- > e+ ve mu- vm~"
42 # "w+ w- > mu+ vm e- ve~"
43 # --------------------------------------------------------------
44 PowhegConfig.decay_mode = "w+ w- > l+ vl l'- vl'~"
46 # --------------------------------------------------------------
47 # running scale
48 # --------------------------------------------------------------
49 # 0: fixed scale 2m(W)
50 # 1: m(WW)
51 # 2: mT(W+) + mT(W-)
52 # --------------------------------------------------------------
53 PowhegConfig.runningscales = "2"
55 # --------------------------------------------------------------
56 # minlo or nnlops - uncomment each line to activate them
57 # --------------------------------------------------------------
58 # from the manual: "Note that Minlo overwrites any other running scale choice. The NNLOPS
59 # works only if the Minlo option is on. Finally, if Minlo is switched off, one
60 # needs to use a Born suppression factor, or, alternatively, a cut in the phase-space
61 # generation, in order to make the cross-section finite. The latter cut can be set
62 # through the token bornktmin."
63 # --------------------------------------------------------------
64 #PowhegConfig.minlo = "1"
65 #PowhegConfig.minlo_nnll = "1"
66 #PowhegConfig.nnlops = "1"
68 # --------------------------------------------------------------
69 # Generate events
70 # --------------------------------------------------------------
71 PowhegConfig.generate()
73 #--------------------------------------------------------------
74 # Pythia8 showering with the A14 NNPDF2.3 tune, main31 routine
75 #--------------------------------------------------------------
76 include("Pythia8_i/")
77 include("Pythia8_i/")