AODCollHandleBase Node1 AODCollHandleBase - m_dbase - m_nshownhandles - m_type - m_commonData - m_sephelper + AODCollHandleBase() + init() + ~AODCollHandleBase() + setupSettingsFromController() + name() + common() + common() + sepHelper() + sepHelper() + setSepHelper() and 12 more... # setupSettingsFromController Specific() # hintNumberOfHandlesInEvent() # addHandle() # handleIterationBegin() # getNextHandle() # getHandlesList() # cut() # cleanupPtrContainer() # recheckCutStatus() # provideCollTypeID() and 9 more... - fillObjectBrowser() - updateObjectBrowserVisibility Counts() - colourByComboBoxItemChanged() - collVisibilityChanged() - resetCachedValuesCuts() Node7 IParticleCollHandleBase - m_d - m_cut_allowedPtSq - m_cut_allowedEta - m_cut_allowedPhi - m_cut_pt_allowall - m_cut_eta_allowall - m_cut_phi_allowall - m_cut_etaptphi_allwillfail + IParticleCollHandleBase() + ~IParticleCollHandleBase() + hintNumberOfHandlesInEvent() + addHandle() + handleIterationBegin() + getNextHandle() + getHandlesList() + persistifiableState() + setState() + mayHaveAssociatedObjects() + getCutAllowedEta() + getCutAllowedPhi() + getPtAllowall() + getEtaAllowall() + getPhiAllowall() + setCutAllowedPt() + setCutAllowedEta() + setCutAllowedPhi() + getCutAllowedPt() # setupSettingsFromController Specific() # cut() # cleanupPtrContainer() # defaultColor() Node1->Node7 Node13 MissingEtCollHandle - m_d - m_cut_allowedPhi - m_cut_phi_allowall - m_cut_phi_allwillfail + hintNumberOfHandlesInEvent() + addHandle() + handleIterationBegin() + getNextHandle() + getHandlesList() + MissingEtCollHandle() + ~MissingEtCollHandle() + init() + setupSettingsFromController Specific() + collSettingsButton() + persistifiableState() + setState() + availableCollections() + setCutAllowedPhi() # load() # cut() # defaultColor() # getCutAllowedPhi() # getPhiAllowall() - resetCachedValuesCuts() - setMetSize() Node1->Node13 Node14 VertexCollHandle - m_d - m_cut_allowedY - m_cut_allowedR - m_cut_allowedZ - m_cut_y_allowall - m_cut_r_allowall - m_cut_z_allowall - m_cut_ry_allwillfail - m_cut_rz_allwillfail + VertexCollHandle() + init() + ~VertexCollHandle() + collSettingsButton() + persistifiableState() + setState() + getCutAllowedZ() + getCutAllowedR() + getYAllowall() + getZAllowall() + getRAllowall() + availableCollections() + setCutAllowedY() + setCutAllowedZ() + setCutAllowedR() + setVertexSize() + getCutAllowedY() # setupSettingsFromController Specific() # load() # hintNumberOfHandlesInEvent() # addHandle() # handleIterationBegin() # getNextHandle() # getHandlesList() # cut() # cleanupPtrContainer() # recheckCutStatus() # mayHaveAssociatedObjects() # defaultColor() - resetCachedValuesCuts() Node1->Node14 Node2 VP1StdCollection - m_d + VP1StdCollection() + init() + ~VP1StdCollection() + visible() + isLoaded() + problemsLoading() + text() + collSwitch() + collSep() + material() and 7 more... + setVisible() + possibleChangeMatTranspOr Brightness() # provideWidgetsForGuiRow() # provideText() # checkBoxToolTip() # matButtonToolTip() # assignDefaultMaterial() # collMaterialTransparency AndBrightnessChanged() # load() # provideExtraWidgetsForGuiRow() # extraWidgetsState() # setExtraWidgetsState() # provideCollTypeID() # providePersistifiableID() - VP1StdCollection() - operator=() Node2->Node1 Node3 QObject Node3->Node2 Node4 VP1Collection - m_d + VP1Collection() + ~VP1Collection() + persistifiableID() + section() + sectionToolTip() + persistifiableState() + setState() + widgetsForGuiRow() + getStates() + applyStates() + updateStates() + toBaseCollList() # provideWidgetsForGuiRow() # providePersistifiableID() # provideSection() # provideSectionToolTip() - VP1Collection() - operator=() Node4->Node2 Node5 VP1HelperClassBase - m_helpername - m_system - s_vp1verbose + ~VP1HelperClassBase() + setSystemBasePointer() + message() + messageDebug() + messageVerbose() + message() + messageDebug() + messageVerbose() + message() + messageDebug() + messageVerbose() + systemBase() + helperClassName() + verbose() + warnUndeletedInstances() # VP1HelperClassBase() # setHelperClassName() - VP1HelperClassBase() - operator=() Node5->Node4 Node8 IParticleCollHandle _CaloCluster + calo_start_r + calo_start_z + calo_crack_eta - m_d + IParticleCollHandle _CaloCluster() + ~IParticleCollHandle _CaloCluster() + init() + setupSettingsFromController Specific() + dumpToJSON() + collSettingsButton() + isConsiderTransverseEnergy() + energyToLength() + showOutlines() + setScale() + highestVisibleClusterEnergy() + calculateHighestVisibleCluster Energy() + recheckHighestVisibleCluster Energy() + persistifiableState() + setState() + availableCollections() # load() # cut() # defaultColor() - showParametersChanged() - setScale() - scale() - rebuildAllObjects() - setShowVolumeOutLines() - resetCachedValuesCuts() Node7->Node8