Example3DSystem1 Node1 Example3DSystem1 + Example3DSystem1() + ~Example3DSystem1() + buildEventSceneGraph() Node2 IVP13DSystemSimple + IVP13DSystemSimple() + systemcreate() + buildController() + ensureBuildController() + buildPermanentSceneGraph() + buildEventSceneGraph() + updateGUI() + userPickedNode() + systemerase() + systemuncreate() + ~IVP13DSystemSimple() + warnOnDisabledNotifications() - getSceneGraph() - create() - refresh() - erase() - uncreate() Node2->Node1 Node21 IVP13DSystemSimple::Imp + rootR + rootE + wasrefreshed + wascreated + controllerBuilt + first + getNodesWithDisabledNotifications() + made_selection() Node2->Node21 +theclass Node3 IVP13DSystem + ~IVP13DSystem() + IVP13DSystem() + getSceneGraph() + registerCamera() + registerViewer() + registerSelectionNode() + unregisterSelectionNode() + setUserSelectionNotifications Enabled() + userSelectedSingleNode() + userDeselectedSingleNode() + userChangedSelection() + userClickedOnBgd() + deselectAll() + getCameraList() + buildExtraDisplayWidget() - IVP13DSystem() - operator=() - activateClickedOutside() Node3->Node2 Node4 IVP1System - s_vp1verbose + IVP1System() + ~IVP1System() + name() + information() + contact_info() + controllerWidget() + saveState() + restoreFromState() + message() + messageDebug() and 15 more... + verbose() # create() # refresh() # erase() # uncreate() # registerController() - IVP1System() - operator=() - disallowUpdateGUI() - allowUpdateGUI() - setChannel() - channel() - deleteController() - setState() - setActiveState() - isRefreshing() - setRefreshing() - setCanRegisterController() Node4->Node3 Node5 QObject Node5->Node4 Node6 VP1String + VP1String() + ~VP1String() + str() + str() + str() + str() + str() + str() + str() + str() + str() + str() and 20 more... Node6->Node4 Node7 IVP1System::Imp + name + information + contact_info + allowupdategui + state + activeState + controller + refreshing + canregistercontroller + Imp() Node7->Node4 -m_d Node13 IVP13DSystem::Imp + selectionsWithDisabledNotifications + clickedoutsideScheduled + start_changeselection() + finished_changeselection() + made_selection() + made_deselection() + clickedoutside() Node13->Node3 -m_d Node21->Node2 -m_d Node16 SoCooperativeSelection + activePolicy - m_clickoutsideCBList + SoCooperativeSelection() + SoCooperativeSelection() + addClickOutsideCallback() + removeClickOutsideCallback() + initClass() + ensureInitClass() # ~SoCooperativeSelection() # handleEvent() - SO_NODE_HEADER() - getSelectionPath() - getLastActiveSoSelection FromPath() - init() Node16->Node21 +root