ATLAS Offline Software


This is an algorithm that deals with the TRT segments that have not been assigned a Si extension. It runs after the TRT seeded back-tracking is completed, including the ambiguity resolving of the resulting tracks. The input are TRT track segments and the output are global ID tracks.


This algorithm performs the following tasks:

  1. Loops over the input TRT track segments and checks the number of the segment's drift circles that have been already used by the Si extended back-tracks, using the association tool after the later has been updated during the ambiguity resolving of the back-tracks. Only segments with more than 15 drift circles (configurable via the algorithm's jobOptions) will be investigated. Those TRT track segments that are found to share more than half (also configurable via the algorithm's jobOptions) of their drift circles with previously reconstructed back-tracks are dropped.
  2. Each of the TRT track segments that pass the above criteria are then fitted using the configured track fitter. Those that are successfully fitted are then stored in a dedicated track collection.

Used Tools

This algorithm uses the ITrackFitter, InDetAssociationTool tools.

Algorithm Contents

The TRT_StandaloneTrackFinder contains the following classes/files: