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def compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.end_lb (lumiBlock, lbEventList=[], rateHists=[], totalRateHist=0)


 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.mypath = sys.argv[1]
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.runNumber = sys.argv[2]
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.lb_rates = sys.argv[3]
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.filterNames
 GET FILTERS ## DVAugmentationKernel not a filter – remove from all outputs. More...
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.filterNames_mAug = [fn for fn in filterNames if fn != 'DVAugmentationKernel']
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.filterNames_pt100 = [fn for fn in filterNames if ('Emerging' in fn and 'Pt' not in fn)]
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.filterNames_pt120 = [fn for fn in filterNames if ('Emerging' in fn and 'Pt120' in fn)]
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.filterNames_pt130 = [fn for fn in filterNames if ('Emerging' in fn and 'Pt130' in fn)]
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.filterNames_pt140 = [fn for fn in filterNames if ('Emerging' in fn and 'Pt140' in fn)]
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.filterNames_pt150 = [fn for fn in filterNames if ('Emerging' in fn and 'Pt150' in fn)]
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.filterNames_em_pt100 = [fn for fn in filterNames_pt100 if 'DiJet' not in fn]
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.filterNames_di_pt100 = [fn for fn in filterNames_pt100 if 'DiJet' in fn]
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.emFilterList = [fn for fn in filterNames_pt100 if 'DiJet' not in fn] + [fn for fn in filterNames_pt120 if 'DiJet' not in fn] + [fn for fn in filterNames_pt130 if 'DiJet' not in fn] + [fn for fn in filterNames_pt140 if 'DiJet' not in fn] + [fn for fn in filterNames_pt150 if 'DiJet' not in fn]
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.dijetFilterList = [fn for fn in filterNames_pt100 if 'DiJet' in fn] + [fn for fn in filterNames_pt120 if 'DiJet' in fn] + [fn for fn in filterNames_pt130 if 'DiJet' in fn] + [fn for fn in filterNames_pt140 if 'DiJet' in fn] + [fn for fn in filterNames_pt150 if 'DiJet' in fn] = len(filterNames)
int compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.nft = nf*2+1
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.ix_dv = filterNames.index('DVAugmentationKernel')
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.ix_em = filterNames.index('EmergingFilterKernel')
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.ix_dj = filterNames.index('EmergingDiJet110FilterKernel')
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.rateHists = []
 INITIALIZE HISTOGRAMS ## individual filter histograms. More...
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.eventHists = []
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.totalRateHist = TH1F("ratePerLB_overall", "ratePerLB_overall;lb;rate", 2500, 0, 2500)
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.lbTimeHist = TH1F("lbTimeHist", "lbTimeHist", 2500, 0, 2500)
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.lbList = open(lb_rates).readlines()
int compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.n_lb = 0
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.List = open(mypath).readlines()
 GET FILTER EVENT DATA FROM RPVLL LOG FILE ## open list of filter data. More...
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.lbEventList = [0] * nft
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.eventList = [0] * nft
int compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.first_lb = 0
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.first_line = List[0]
int compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.current_lb = first_lb
int compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.last_lb = 2500
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.procEvents = []
int compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.lb_i = 0
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.s = line.split()[-1]
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.totalEvents = eventList[0]
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.totalRPVLLpass = eventList[nft-1]
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.fracList_total = [0] * nf
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.fracList_RPVLL = [0] * nf
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.filterEvents = [0] * nf
int compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.closureTest = 0
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.lbEventHist = TH1F("lbEventHist", "lbEventHist", 2500, 0, 2500)
 subtract away events corresponding to DVAugmentationKernel – NOT A FILTER closureTest_mAug will always be larger than totalRPVLLpass because of overlap --> some RPVLL events will pass multiple filters and thus be added multiple times closureTest_mAug = closureTest - filterEvents[ix_dv] print 'Total number of events passing filters / total number of events passing RPVLL: ' print closureTest_mAug, '/', totalRPVLLpass, '=', float(closureTest_mAug)/float(totalRPVLLpass) * 100., '' print '' More...
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.lbFullEventHist = TH1F("lbFullEventHist", "lbFullEventHist", 2500, 0, 2500)
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.lbScaleHist = TH1F("lbScaleHist", "lbScaleHist", 2500, 0, 2500)
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.scale = []
int compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.l = 0
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.colors
 DRAW + PRINT PLOTS ## set colors for filters. More...
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.c1 = TCanvas('c1', '', 1000, 600)
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.l1 = ROOT.TLegend(0.76, 0.1, 0.97, 0.91)
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.hs1 = THStack("hs1", "");
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.latex1 = ROOT.TLatex(0.52, 0.875, "#font[72]{ATLAS }#font[42]{Internal}")
 configure axes set axis titles More...
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.latex2 = ROOT.TLatex(0.55, 0.82, "Run " + runNumber)
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.c2 = TCanvas('c2', '', 850, 600)
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.latex3 = ROOT.TLatex(0.62, 0.875, "#font[72]{ATLAS }#font[42]{Internal}")
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.latex4 = ROOT.TLatex(0.65, 0.82, "Run " + runNumber)
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.hs2 = THStack("hs2", "");
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.em_col
 configure axes set axis titles More...
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.c3 = TCanvas('c3', '', 1000, 600)
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.l2 = ROOT.TLegend(0.76, 0.4, 0.97, 0.61)
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.ptFilterList = [filterNames_pt100, filterNames_pt120, filterNames_pt130, filterNames_pt140, filterNames_pt150]
 emerging filters (including dijets) by pt-cut ptFilterList = [filterNames_pt100] ptList = ["100"] More...
list compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.ptList = ["100", "120", "130", "140", "150"]
int compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.c = pt*4
int compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.d = pt*4
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.hs_ej = THStack("hs_ej", "");
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.hs_em = THStack("hs_em", "");
 all emerging filters (excluding dijets) More...
 compileRPVLLRates_emergingFilterTest.hs_di = THStack("hs_di", "");
 all dijet filters More...