MuonCalib::MuonCalibExtendedTrack Node1 MuonCalib::MuonCalibExtended Track - m_pdgCode - m_barCode - m_pos - m_dir + MuonCalibExtendedTrack() + ~MuonCalibExtendedTrack() + pdgCode() + barCode() + summary() + mdtStationIndexHitsMap() + rpcStationIndexHitsMap() + tgcStationIndexHitsMap() + cscStationIndexHitsMap() + dump() and 16 more... Node2 MuonCalib::MuonCalibTrack_E + dummy_chi2 - m_pos - m_dir + MuonCalibTrack_E() + MuonCalibTrack_E() + MuonCalibTrack_E() + ~MuonCalibTrack_E() + hits() + hits() + holes() + holes() + segmetnsOnTrack() + segmetnsOnTrack() and 61 more... - clear() Node2->Node1 Node9 std::vector< std::shared _ptr< MuonCalib::MuonCalibExtended Segment > > Node9->Node1 -m_associatedSegments Node18 std::set< MuonFixedIdManipulator ::StationIndex > + keys Node18->Node1 -m_intersectedLayersWithout Hits -m_intersectedTgcLayerWithout Hits -m_intersectedRpcLayerWithoutHits Node17 MuonCalib::MuonCalibTrack Summary + nhits + npixel + nsct + ntrtBarrel + ntrtEndcap + nhitsUpperHemisphere + nhitsLowerHemisphere + nscatters + nholes + noutliers and 16 more... + nmdtCh() + nrpcCh() + ntgcCh() + ncscCh() + nrpcEtaPhiCh() + ntgcEtaPhiCh() + ncscEtaPhiCh() + ntrt() + nphiTrigHits() + netaTrigHits() + nmdtHitsPerMl() + hasEndcap() + hasMuon() + hasId() + dump() Node18->Node17 +precisionStationLayers +goodPrecisionStationLayers Node30 std::map< MuonFixedId, std::vector< CalibHitE _Ptr > > Node30->Node1 -m_hitsPerChamber Node32 std::map< MuonFixedId, CalibHitE_Ptr > Node32->Node1 -m_hitIdMap Node33 std::vector< std::shared _ptr< MuonCalib::MuonCalibExtended Track > > Node33->Node1 -m_associatedTracks Node17->Node1 -m_summary Node24 MuonCalib::MuonCalibRawHit AssociationMap + getRawCscHit() + getRawMdtHit() + getRawTgcHit() + getRawRpcHit() + addMdtRawHit() + addCscRawHit() + addRpcRawHit() + addTgcRawHit() Node24->Node1 -m_rawHitAssociationMap Node35 std::map< MuonFixedIdManipulator ::StationIndex, std::vector < CalibHitE_Ptr > > + keys Node35->Node1 -m_mdtHitsPerStationIndex -m_tgcHitsPerStationIndex -m_cscHitsPerStationIndex -m_rpcHitsPerStationIndex