ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 # Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
2 '''
3 @file
4 @author Riley Xu -
5 @date March 3rd 2020
7 This file declares a set of tags that the map service uses to select files.
8 This allows for a consistent selection of map files for downstream uses,
9 such as generating sectors or optimizing DC configuration.
11 All options can be further overridden from the command line or job options.
12 In general, tags should not be edited after creation or frequently overridden,
13 for consistent results.
14 '''
16 # Template to add a new tag, and some description of the fields
17 empty_tag = {
18  'name': '', # Name of this tag
19  'package': 'map', # Package identifier
20  'release': '', # Athena release number
21  'geoTag': '', # ATLAS geometry tag
22  'formatted': False, # If the filenames below have {} replacement fields (see FPGATrackSimTagConfig)
23  'withPU': False, # Flag to say if there is pile-up or not
25  # Files
26  'mappingType': '', # ?
27  'pmap': '', # Plane map fileath
28  'rmap': '', # Region map filepath
29  'subrmap': '', # Subregion map filepath
30  'modulemap': '', # Global-to-local module id map filepath
31  'slices': '', # Region slice filepath
32  'NNmap': '', # NN weighting filepath
33  'sampleType': '', # Samples being run (skipTruth, singleMuons, singleElectrons, singlePions)
35  # Layers
36  'layerOverride': [], # Override the logical layers used in 1st stage
38  # Region
39  'region': '', # Region index or name to process. This defaults to the first region.
40  'regionNames': [], # List of region names, index by region
42  # Hit Filtering
43  'doRandomRemoval': False, # Remove hits/clusters at random (fractions to remove set below)
44  'pixelHitRmFrac': 0, # Fraction of pixel hits to remove at random
45  'pixelClusRmFrac': 0, # Fraction of pixel clusters to remove at random
46  'stripHitRmFrac': 0, # Fraction of strip hits to remove at random
47  'stripClusRmFrac': 0, # Fraction of strip clusters to remove at random
48  'doStubs': False, # do stub filtering
49  'stubCutsFile': '', # read in stub cuts from this text file (either absolute path, or FPGATrackSimHitFiltering/file.txt if in config/)
50  'barrelStubDphiCut': 0, # endcap stub dphi cut (if no cuts file given)
51  'endcapStubDphiCut': 0, # endcap stub dphi cut (if no cuts file given)
52  'useNstrips': False, # use number of strips, rather than dPhi, to make stub cuts
53 }
56 # Default tag should be set to latest configuration
57 defaultTag = 'EF_TaskForce_dev22'
59 # Listed with most recent first
60 FPGATrackSimMapTags = {
61  'EF_TaskForce_dev23' : {
62  'name': 'EF_TaskForce_dev23',
63  'package': 'map',
64  'release': '21.9.15',
65  'geoTag': 'ATLAS-P2-ITK-23-00-01',
66  'formatted': True,
67  'withPU': False,
68  # Files
69  'mappingType': 'FILE',
70  'pmap': 'HTT/TrigHTTMaps/V1/map_file/step3_01eta03_03phi05.pmap',
71  'rmap': 'HTT/TrigHTTMaps/V1/map_file/rmaps/{regionName}_ATLAS-P2-ITK-23-00-01.rmap',
72  'subrmap': 'HTT/TrigHTTMaps/V1/zslicemaps/ATLAS-P2-ITK-23-00-01/{regionName}_KeyLayer-strip_barrel_2_extra03_trim_0_001_NSlices-6.rmap',
73  'modulemap': 'HTT/TrigHTTMaps/V1/map_file/',
74  'slices': 'HTT/TrigHTTMaps/V1/map_file/slices_v01_Jan21.txt',
75  'NNmap': 'HTT/TrigHTTMaps/V1/map_file/NN_DNN_Region_0p1_0p3_HTTFake_HTTTrueMu_SingleP_8L_Nom_v6.json',
76  'sampleType': 'singleMuons',
78  # Layer
79  'layerOverride': [],
80  # Region
81  'region': '0',
82  'regionNames': [
83  'eta0103phi0305', # 0
84  'eta0709phi0305', # 1
85  'eta1214phi0305', # 2
86  'eta2023phi0305', # 3
87  'eta3234phi0305', # 4
88  ],
89  },
90  'EF_TaskForce_dev22' : {
91  'name': 'EF_TaskForce_dev22',
92  'package': 'map',
93  'release': '21.9.16',
94  'geoTag': 'ATLAS-P2-ITK-22-02-00',
95  'formatted': True,
96  'withPU': False,
97  # Files
98  'mappingType': 'FILE',
99  'pmap': 'HTT/TrigHTTMaps/V1/map_file/ATLAS-P2-ITK-22-02-00.pmap',
100  'rmap': 'HTT/TrigHTTMaps/V1/map_file/rmaps/{regionName}_ATLAS-P2-ITK-22-02-00.rmap',
101  'subrmap': 'HTT/TrigHTTMaps/V1/zslicemaps/ATLAS-P2-ITK-22-02-00/{regionName}_KeyLayer-strip_barrel_2_extra03_trim_0_001_NSlices-6.rmap',
102  'modulemap': 'HTT/TrigHTTMaps/V1/map_file/',
103  'slices': 'HTT/TrigHTTMaps/V1/map_file/slices_v01_Jan21.txt',
104  'NNmap': 'HTT/TrigHTTMaps/V1/map_file/NN_DNN_Region_0p1_0p3_HTTFake_HTTTrueMu_SingleP_8L_Nom_v6.json',
105  'sampleType': 'singleMuons',
107  # Layer
108  'layerOverride': [],
109  # Region
110  'region': '0',
111  'regionNames': [
112  'eta0103phi0305', # 0
113  'eta0709phi0305', # 1
114  'eta1214phi0305', # 2
115  'eta2023phi0305', # 3
116  'eta3234phi0305', # 4
117  ],
118  # Hit Filtering
119  'doRandomRemoval': False,
120  'pixelHitRmFrac': 0,
121  'pixelClusRmFrac': 0,
122  'stripHitRmFrac': 0,
123  'stripClusRmFrac': 0,
125  'doStubs': False,
126  'stubCutsFile': 'FPGATrackSimMaps/stub_cuts_2pct_50evt_rings_Jun11.txt',
127  'barrelStubDphiCut': 3.0,
128  'endcapStubDphiCut': 1.5,
129  'useNstrips': False,
130  },
131  'TDRConf-v1' : {
132  'name': 'TDRConf-v1',
133  'package': 'map',
134  'release': '21.9.2',
135  'geoTag': 'ATLAS-P2-ITK-17-06-0',
136  'formatted': False,
137  'withPU': False,
138  # Files
139  'mappingType': 'FILE',
140  'pmap': 'HTT/TrigHTTMaps/V1/map_file/step3_01eta03_03phi05.pmap',
141  'rmap': 'HTT/TrigHTTMaps/V1/map_file/rmaps/eta0103phi0305_ATLAS-P2-ITK-23-00-01.rmap',
142  'subrmap': 'HTT/TrigHTTMaps/V1/zslicemaps/ATLAS-P2-ITK-23-00-01/eta0103phi0305_KeyLayer-strip_barrel_2_extra03_trim_0_001_NSlices-6.rmap',
143  'modulemap': 'HTT/TrigHTTMaps/V1/map_file/',
144  'slices': 'HTT/TrigHTTMaps/V1/map_file/slices_v01_Jan21.txt',
145  'NNmap': 'HTT/TrigHTTMaps/V1/map_file/NN_DNN_Region_0p1_0p3_HTTFake_HTTTrueMu_SingleP_8L_Nom_v6.json',
146  'sampleType': 'singleMuons',
148  # Layer
149  'layerOverride': [],
150  # Region
151  'region': '0',
152  'regionNames': [
153  'eta0103phi0305', # 0
154  'eta0709phi0305', # 1
155  ],
156  },
157 }