SG::AuxVectorBase::ResortAuxHelper Node1 SG::AuxVectorBase:: ResortAuxHelper - m_index + ResortAuxHelper() + resortElement() - ResortAuxHelper() Node2 std::vector< void * > + elements Node2->Node1 -m_auxdata Node3 SG::AuxVectorBase + supportsThinning - m_trackIndices + AuxVectorBase() + AuxVectorBase() + operator=() + ~AuxVectorBase() + trackIndices() + setStore() + setStore() + setStore() + setConstStore() + setNonConstStore() and 10 more... # initAuxVectorBase() # swap() # setIndices() # clearIndex() # clearIndices() # resize() # reserve() # shift() # moveAux() # moveAux() # moveAux() # swapElementsAux() # swapElementsAux() # resortAux() - initAuxVectorBase1() - initAuxVectorBase1() - setIndices1() - setIndices1() - clearIndex1() - clearIndex1() - clearIndices1() - clearIndices1() - resize1() - resize1() and 10 more... Node3->Node1 -m_vec Node4 SG::AuxVectorData + AuxVectorData() + AuxVectorData() + operator=() + ~AuxVectorData() + size_v() + capacity_v() * mutex_t * guard_t * Cache * SG::AuxElement * swap() * clearCache() * clearDecorCache() * lock() * clearDecorations() * setCache() and 9 more... * getAuxIDs() * getWritableAuxIDs() * isAvailable() * isAvailableWritable() * isAvailableWritableAsDecoration() * getData() * getData() * getDecoration() * getDataArray() * getDataArrayAllowMissing() * getDecorationArray() * getDataArray() * getConstStore() * getConstStoreLink() * getStore() * getStore() * hasStore() * hasNonConstStore() * setOption() * setOption() * setOption() * setOption() and 8 more... Node4->Node3 Node5 ILockable + ~ILockable() + lock() Node5->Node4 Node6 SG::auxid_set_t + auxid_set_t() Node6->Node4 -s_emptySet Node14 SG::IAuxStore + supportsThinning + getData() + getWritableAuxIDs() + resize() + reserve() + shift() + insertMove() + setOption() + linkedVector() + getData() + linkedVector() Node14->Node4 -m_store Node16 DataLink< SG::IConstAuxStore > + source() + toPersistent() + DataLink() + DataLink() + DataLink() + DataLink() + DataLink() + DataLink() + DataLink() + DataLink() + DataLink() + DataLink() + DataLink() + DataLink() + DataLink() + DataLink() + DataLink() + DataLink() + DataLink() + toStorableObject() + toStorableObject() + toIdentifiedObject() + toIdentifiedObject() + toIdentifiedObject() + toIdentifiedObject() + toDefaultObject() + toDefaultObject() + toTransient() + toTransient() + toTransient() + toTransient() + toStorableObject() + toIdentifiedObject() + toIdentifiedObject() + toDefaultObject() + operator*() + operator->() + operator const_pointer() + cptr() + isValid() + operator!() + operator bool() + dataID() + key() + classID() - toTransient() - findIdentifier() * value_type * const_pointer * const_reference * ID_type * sgkey_t * __attribute__ * __attribute__ * DataLink() * DataLink() * DataLink() * DataLink() * DataLink() * DataLink() * DataLink() * DataLink() * DataLink() * DataLink() * DataLink() * DataLink() * DataLink() * DataLink() * DataLink() * DataLink() * DataLink() * toStorableObject() * toStorableObject() * toIdentifiedObject() * toIdentifiedObject() * toIdentifiedObject() * toIdentifiedObject() * toDefaultObject() * toDefaultObject() * toTransient() * toTransient() * toTransient() * toTransient() * toStorableObject() * toIdentifiedObject() * toIdentifiedObject() * toDefaultObject() * getDataPtr() * getDataNonConstPtr() * operator*() * operator->() * operator const_pointer() * cptr() * isValid() * operator!() * storable() * storableNonConst() * operator*() * operator->() * operator const_pointer() * cptr() * isValid() * operator!() * operator bool() * dataID() * key() Node16->Node4 -m_constStoreLink Node50 std::vector< size_t > + elements Node50->Node1 -m_rmap -m_imap Node51 std::vector< SG::auxid_t > + elements Node51->Node1 -m_auxids