HistValProfile Node1 HistValProfile + HistValProfile() + HistValProfile() + ~HistValProfile() + getXAxis_NBins() + getYAxis_NBins() + setXAxis_BinLabel() + setYAxis_BinLabel() + setXAxis_LabelSize() + setYAxis_LabelSize() + setXAxis_Title() and 21 more... Node2 HistValBase # m_triggeredConversionToROOTHist - m_compareBinContentsOnEachFill + HistValBase() + ~HistValBase() + getXAxis_NBins() + getYAxis_NBins() + setXAxis_BinLabel() + setYAxis_BinLabel() + setXAxis_LabelSize() + setYAxis_LabelSize() + setXAxis_Title() + setYAxis_Title() and 17 more... # binContentsChanged() # titleOrNameWasChanged() # converted() # convertedRootName() # profile_test_erroroption() - HistValBase() - operator=() Node2->Node1 Node3 TProfile_LW + Fill() + Fill() + GetNbinsX() + GetBinEntries() + GetBinContent() + GetBinError() + SetBinEntries() + SetBinContent() + SetBinError() + GetEntries() and 13 more... + create() + create() + create() + create() + create() - clear() - getROOTHistBaseNoAlloc() - getROOTHistBaseNoAlloc() - clearKeptROOTHist() - getVarBins() - getVarBins() - TProfile_LW() - ~TProfile_LW() - TProfile_LW() - operator=() and 6 more... - actualcreate() Node3->Node1 -m_h2 Node4 LWHist # m_nBytesFromPool - m_usingROOTBackend - m_ownsRootHisto - m_name - m_title - m_customData + SetName() + SetTitle() + SetNameTitle() + GetName() + GetTitle() + GetEntries() + SetEntries() + Reset() + GetXaxis() + GetYaxis() and 21 more... + safeDelete() # LWHist() # ~LWHist() # apply() # clearKeptROOTHist() # getROOTHistBaseNoAlloc() # getROOTHistBaseNoAlloc() # clear() # actualGetBinCenterX() # actualGetBinCenterY() # actualFindBinX() # actualFindBinY() # actualGetNBinsX() # actualGetNBinsY() - LWHist() - operator=() - ensureInitDecorations() Node4->Node3 Node6 LWHist::LWHistAxis - m_labelSize - m_title + SetLabelSize() + SetTitle() + GetLabelSize() + GetTitle() + GetBinCenter() + GetBinLabel() + SetBinLabel() + GetNbins() + FindBin() - LWHistAxis() - operator=() - LWHistAxis() - ~LWHistAxis() - rootAxis() - rootAxis() - isXAxis() - isYAxis() Node4->Node6 -m_hist Node5 LWHist::LWHistDecorations + m_option + m_minimum + m_maximum + m_markerSize + m_markerColor + m_markerStyle + LWHistDecorations() + ~LWHistDecorations() - LWHistDecorations() - operator=() Node5->Node4 -m_decorations Node6->Node5 +m_yAxis +m_zAxis +m_xAxis Node7 LWBinLabels - m_size - m_allocated - m_list + LWBinLabels() + ~LWBinLabels() + getBinLabel() + setBinLabel() + apply() + size() - LWBinLabels() - operator=() - grow() - cmp() Node7->Node6 -m_binLabels Node8 Flex1DProfileHisto - m_invDelta - m_sumW - m_sumW2 - m_sumWX - m_sumWX2 - m_sumWProfiledPar - m_sumWProfiledPar2 - m_nEntries - m_nbinsPlus1 - m_xmin - m_xmax - m_varBins - m_profParMin - m_profParMax + getXMin() + getXMax() + getVarBins() + getVarBins() + fill() + fill() + getBinEntries() + getBinContent() + getBinError() + getBinInfo() and 23 more... + create() + create() + destroy() - Flex1DProfileHisto() - Flex1DProfileHisto() - ~Flex1DProfileHisto() - Flex1DProfileHisto() - operator=() - profParOutsideRange() - allocSize() Node8->Node3 -m_flexHisto Node9 FlexProfileArray - m_nbins - m_errOpt - m_groups + FlexProfileArray() + ~FlexProfileArray() + getNBins() + fill() + fill() + getBinEntries() + getBinContent() + getBinError() + getBinInfo() + setBinEntries() and 9 more... + extraAllocSize() - getPtr() - getPtrNoAlloc() - nbinsInLastGroup() - computeBinError() - nGroups() - groupIndex() - indexInGroup() - allocateGroup() - deallocateGroup() Node9->Node8 -m_flexArray Node10 TProfile + Fill() + Fill() + Fill() + Fill() + GetBinContent() Node10->Node1 -m_h1 Node10->Node3 -m_rootHisto