Rec::ParticleCellAssociation Node1 Rec::ParticleCellAssociation + ParticleCellAssociation() + ~ParticleCellAssociation() + cellIntersections() + cellIntersection() + container() - ParticleCellAssociation() - operator=() Node2 Rec::ParticleCaloAssociation < const CaloCell * > - m_associationConeSize + ParticleCaloAssociation() + ParticleCaloAssociation() + ~ParticleCaloAssociation() + caloExtension() + data() + associationConeSize() + operator=() + updateData() - ParticleCaloAssociation() - ParticleCaloAssociation() - operator=() Node2->Node1 Node3 Trk::CaloExtension + CaloExtension() + ~CaloExtension() + caloEntryLayerIntersection() + muonEntryLayerIntersection() + caloLayerIntersections() - operator=() - CaloExtension() - CaloExtension() Node3->Node2 -m_caloExtension Node9 std::vector< const CaloCell * > Node9->Node2 -m_data Node92 std::vector< std::pair < const CaloCell *, Particle CellIntersection * > > + elements Node92->Node1 -m_cellInteresections Node93 CaloCellContainer - m_hasTotalSize - m_isOrdered - m_isOrderedAndComplete + CaloCellContainer() + CaloCellContainer() + ~CaloCellContainer() + push_back() + push_back() + push_back_fast() + push_back_fast() + beginConstCalo() + endConstCalo() + beginCalo() and 24 more... + print() - msgSvc() - setHasTotalSize() - updateCaloIteratorsOrdered() - orderWhenIncomplete() - orderWhenComplete() - getLookUpTable() - findCellVectorT() Node93->Node1 -m_container Node94 DataVector< CaloCell > + m_deleter + m_ownPolicy + has_virtual + must_own * self * DataModel_detail::Element Proxy< DataVector > * ConstDataVector * DataVectorWithAlloc * test2_assignelement1a * test2_assignelement1 * test2_assignelement2 * resortAux() * testInsert() * testInsertOol() and 10 more... * DataVector() * DataVector() * DataVector() * DataVector() * DataVector() * DataVector() * operator=() * operator=() * operator=() * assign() * assign() * size() * resize() * reserve() * resize() * pop_back() * clear() * clear() * clear() * clear() * clear() * swapElement() * swapElement() * swapElement() and 11 more... * operator[]() * operator[]() * get() * at() * at() * front() * front() * back() * back() * begin() * begin() * end() * end() * rbegin() * rbegin() * rend() * rend() * cbegin() * cend() * crbegin() * crend() * push_back() * push_back() * emplace_back() * insert() * insert() * insert() * insert() * insert() * emplace() * insertMove() * erase() * erase() * pop_back() * clear() * swap() * sort() * sort() * iter_swap() Node94->Node93 Node96 std::vector< CaloCellContainer ::const_iterator > + elements Node96->Node93 -m_beginConstCalo -m_endConstCalo Node44 std::vector< int > + elements Node44->Node93 -m_indexFirstCellCalo -m_indexLastCellCalo Node97 std::vector< bool > + elements Node97->Node93 -m_hasCalo