ATLAS Offline Software
This package provides a tool, MuonClusterOnTrackTool, which turns Muon::MuonCluster into Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack objects using a given trajectory prediction. The Muon::MuonCluster class groups measurements originating from the following detector technologies:
In the current version of this tool, no corrections are actually performed for RPC or TGC, but the information is only copied into the corresponding Trk::RIO_OnTrack objects. An individual error scaling can be applied at this point separately for each of the three technologies. The error scaling is controlled centrally by jobOptions in the Trk::RIO_OnTrackCreator package. It is, of course, switched off by default.
More general information on RIO_OnTrackCreation and instructions how to use these tools can be found under Trk::RIO_OnTrackCreator.
The position resolution for CSC clusters depend on the angle of incidence and this tool provides means to correct the measurement errors accordingly, making use of a CSC cluster fitting tool.
The tool is configured in python. Use the following to access the default instance:
from MuonClusterOnTrackCreator.DefaultMuonClusterOnTrackCreator import theMuonClusterOnTrackCreator
The MuonClusterOnTrackTool package is currently maintained by N. van Eldik and W. Liebig.