CP::LhoodMM_tools Node1 CP::LhoodMM_tools - m_global_fitInfo - m_prevSave - m_perfectFit - m_current_fitInfo - m_fsvec - m_curr_nlep - m_minnlep - m_maxnlep - m_maxnlep_loose - m_theta_tot_start_index and 27 more... - m_current_lhoodMM_tool - s_nLepMax - s_maxRank - s_piover2 - s_piover4 + LhoodMM_tools() + ~LhoodMM_tools() + initialize() + getTotalYield() + register1DHistogram() + register2DHistogram() + register3DHistogram() + nfakes() + nfakes_std() + nfakes_std_perEventWeight() and 7 more... # reset() # addEventCustom() # clientForDB() - setup() - addEventCustom() - incrementMatrices() - incrementOneMatrixSet() - get_init_pars() - get_analytic() - fixPosErr() - fixNegErr() - mapLhood() - fillHistograms() - fillHisto_internal() - logPoisson() - fcn_nlep() - fcn_minnlep_maxnlep() Node2 CP::BaseFakeBkgTool # m_initialized # m_needEventInfo # m_convertWhenMissing # m_particles # m_database # m_externalWeight # m_hasher # m_cachedFinalStates # m_values_1dhisto_map # m_values_2dhisto_map and 14 more... + BaseFakeBkgTool() + ~BaseFakeBkgTool() + initialize() + addEvent() + register1DHistogram() + register2DHistogram() + register3DHistogram() + isAffectedBySystematic() + affectingSystematics() + recommendedSystematics() and 13 more... # clientForDB() # addEventCustom() # getCachedFinalState() # getListOfEfficienciesAffectedBy() # CheckHistogramCompatibility() - importEfficiencies() - identifyCpSystematicVariation() Node2->Node1 Node3 CP::IFakeBkgTool + addEvent() + getTotalYield() + register1DHistogram() + register2DHistogram() + register3DHistogram() + saveProgress() + getSystDescriptor() + defaultSelection() + defaultProcess() Node3->Node2 Node4 CP::ISystematicsTool + isAffectedBySystematic() + applySystematicVariation() Node4->Node3 Node8 CP::IFakeBkgSystDescriptor + ~IFakeBkgSystDescriptor() + affectingSystematicsFor() + getUncertaintyDescription() + printUncertaintyDescription() + isSystematicUncertainty() + isStatisticalUncertainty() + affectsElectrons() + affectsMuons() + affectsTaus() + affectsRealEfficiencies() + affectsFakeEfficiencies() + affectsFakeFactors() Node8->Node2 Node9 asg::AsgTool + AsgTool() + ~AsgTool() + AsgTool() + operator=() + initialize() + print() * getProperty() * msg_level_name() * getName() * getKey() Node9->Node2 Node6 asg::IAsgTool + ~IAsgTool() + print() Node6->Node9 Node14 FakeBkgTools::PropertyManager < BaseFakeBkgTool > Node14->Node2 Node15 FakeBkgTools::ExtraProperty Manager< LhoodMM_tools, BaseFakeBkgTool > Node15->Node1