PoolSvc Node1 PoolSvc - m_context - m_shareCat - m_fileOpen - m_dbAgeLimit - m_writeCatalog - m_readCatalog - m_useROOTIMT - m_useROOTMaxTree - m_attemptCatalogPatch - m_retrialPeriod and 6 more... + initialize() + io_reinit() + start() + stop() + finalize() + io_finalize() + queryInterface() + registerForWrite() + setObjPtr() + getOutputContext() and 22 more... - clearState() - createCatalog() - patchCatalog() - setupPersistencySvc() - getDbHandle() - getContainerHandle() - poolCondPath() Node2 AthService - AthService() - AthService() - operator=() Node2->Node1 Node5 IPoolSvc + registerForWrite() + setObjPtr() + getOutputContext() + getInputContext() + getInputContextMap() + context() + loadComponent() + setShareMode() + catalog() + lookupBestPfn() and 14 more... + interfaceID() Node5->Node1 Node7 IIoComponent Node7->Node1 Node8 std::vector< pool:: IPersistencySvc * > Node8->Node1 -m_persistencySvcVec Node10 std::recursive_mutex Node10->Node1 -m_pool_mut Node11 pool::IFileCatalog # m_mgr # m_fc + IFileCatalog() + ~IFileCatalog() + createFID() + connect() + disconnect() + connectInfo() + start() + init() + commit() + rollback() and 24 more... Node11->Node1 -m_catalog Node17 std::map< std::string, unsigned int > + elements Node17->Node1 -m_outputContextLabel -m_inputContextLabel Node14 std::string Node14->Node1 -m_mainOutputLabel Node14->Node17 +keys Node18 std::map< unsigned int, unsigned int > + keys + elements Node18->Node1 -m_contextMaxFile