MdtCalibHit Node1 MdtCalibHit + kNoValue - m_tdc - m_adc - m_globalPosition - m_localPosition - m_localPointOfClosestApproach - m_globalPointOfClosestApproach - m_driftTime - m_driftRadius - m_sigma2DriftRadius - m_timeFromTrackDistance and 19 more... + MdtCalibHit() + MdtCalibHit() + MdtCalibHit() + MdtCalibHit() + MdtCalibHit() + setPrepData() + setIdentifier() + setTdc() + setAdc() + setGlobalPos() and 65 more... Node2 MuonGM::MdtReadoutElement - m_stIdx_BIS - m_stIdx_BOL - m_nMDTinStation - m_multilayer - m_nlayers - m_tubepitch - m_tubelayerpitch - m_ntubesperlayer - m_nsteps - m_ntubesinastep and 7 more... + MdtReadoutElement() + ~MdtReadoutElement() + nMDTinStation() + setNMdtInStation() + barrel() + endcap() + getMultilayer() + getNLayers() + getNtubesperlayer() + getNtubesinastep() and 64 more... - geoInitDone() - getTubeLengthForCaching() - getNominalTubeLengthWoCutouts() - localNominalTubePosWoCutouts() - fromIdealToDeformed() - posOnDefChamWire() - wireEndpointsAsBuilt() - globalTransform() - makeGeoInfo() - geoInfo() - deformedTransform() - tubeToMultilayerTransf() Node2->Node1 -m_geometry Node3 MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement # m_Ssize # m_Rsize # m_Zsize # m_LongSsize # m_LongRsize # m_LongZsize # m_caching # m_hasCutouts - m_type - m_indexOfREinMuonStation - m_stationS - m_stIdx - m_eta - m_phi - m_parentStationPV + ~MuonReadoutElement() + identify() + identifyHash() + detectorElementHash() + setIdentifier() + containsId() + getStationIndex() + getStationEta() + getStationPhi() + globalPosition() and 45 more... # MuonReadoutElement() # manager() - setIndexOfREinMuonStation() Node3->Node2 Node19 Identifier - m_id + Identifier() + Identifier() + Identifier() + operator=() + operator=() + ~Identifier() + Identifier() + Identifier() + Identifier() + Identifier() and 38 more... - operator|=() - operator&=() - extract() - mask_shift() - extract() Node19->Node1 -m_id Node19->Node3 -m_id Node192 CxxUtils::CachedValue < int > - ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + operator=() + operator=() + set() + set() + isValid() + ptr() + store() + store() + reset() Node192->Node2 -m_zsignRO_tubeFrame Node194 CxxUtils::CachedUniquePtr T< Trk::Surface > + CachedUniquePtrT() + CachedUniquePtrT() + CachedUniquePtrT() + operator=() + ~CachedUniquePtrT() + set() + store() + get() + operator*() + operator->() + operator bool() + release() Node194->Node2 -m_associatedSurface Node196 std::atomic< bool > + ptr Node196->Node2 -m_haveTubeSurfaces -m_haveTubeGeo -m_haveDeformTransf -m_haveTubeBounds Node197 std::vector< CxxUtils ::CachedUniquePtrT< Trk ::SaggedLineSurface > > Node197->Node2 -m_tubeSurfaces Node80 BLinePar + expansionScale - m_payload + BLinePar() + ~BLinePar() + setParameters() + getParameter() + operator bool() Node80->Node2 -m_BLinePar Node206 std::vector< CxxUtils ::CachedUniquePtrT< Amg ::Transform3D > > Node206->Node2 -m_deformTransf