CP::IsolationCorrectionTool Node1 CP::IsolationCorrectionTool - m_apply_SC_leak_corr - m_apply_etaEDParPU_corr - m_apply_etaEDParPU _mc_corr - m_is_mc - m_AFII_corr - m_apply_dd - m_apply_ddDefault - m_correct_etcone - m_trouble_categories - m_useLogLogFit - m_forcePartType - ~IsolationCorrectionTool() - initialize() - applyCorrection() - CorrectLeakage() - correctedCopy() - affectingSystematics() - isAffectedBySystematic() - recommendedSystematics() - applySystematicVariation() - GetPtCorrectedIsolation() - GetPtCorrection() - GetDDCorrection() - Print() - GetEtaPointing() Node2 CP::IIsolationCorrectionTool + ~IIsolationCorrectionTool() + initialize() + applyCorrection() + correctedCopy() + CorrectLeakage() + affectingSystematics() + isAffectedBySystematic() + recommendedSystematics() + applySystematicVariation() + GetPtCorrectedIsolation() + GetPtCorrection() + GetDDCorrection() Node2->Node1 Node3 CP::ISystematicsTool + isAffectedBySystematic() + applySystematicVariation() Node3->Node2 Node7 asg::AsgMetadataTool - m_beginInputFileCalled - m_useIncidents + AsgMetadataTool() + ~AsgMetadataTool() + sysInitialize() * MetaStore_t * MetaStorePtr_t * inputMetaStore() * outputMetaStore() * setUseIncidents() * handle() * beginInputFile() * endInputFile() * beginEvent() * metaDataStop() Node7->Node1 Node17 SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::EventInfo_v1 > + ReadHandleKey() + ReadHandleKey() + operator=() # ReadHandleKey() # ReadHandleKey() Node17->Node1 -m_eventInfoKey Node52 CP::IsolationCorrection - m_tool_ver - m_eta_bins_fine - m_nBinsEtaFine - m_nBinsEtaCoarse - m_feta_bins_dd_2015 - m_feta_bins_dd_2017 - m_is_mc - m_AFII_corr - m_set_mc - m_correct_etcone and 70 more... + IsolationCorrection() + ~IsolationCorrection() + initialize() + SetCorrectionFile() + SetToolVer() + GetPtCorrectedIsolation() + GetPtCorrection() + GetDDCorrection() + GetEtaPointing() + SetDataMC() and 7 more... - setupDD() - FreeClear() - GetPtCorrectedIsolation() - GetPtCorrectedTopoIsolation() - GetPtCorrectedIsolationError() - setEtaBins() - setIsolCorr() - set2011Corr() - set2012Corr() - set2015Corr() and 11 more... - getPtAtFirstMeasurement() - GetConversionType() - GetRadius() - GetPtCorrectionValue() Node52->Node1 -m_isol_corr Node21 std::string Node21->Node1 -m_corr_etaEDPar_mc _corr_file -m_tool_ver_str -m_corr_etaEDParPU _file -m_corr_ddsmearing _file -m_corr_file -m_ddVersion -m_corr_ddshift _file Node21->Node52 -m_previousYear -m_corr_ddsmearing _file -m_corr_file -m_corr_ddshift_file Node65 CP::SystematicVariation + testInvariant() + SystematicVariation() + SystematicVariation() + SystematicVariation() + SystematicVariation() + SystematicVariation() + SystematicVariation() + empty() + name() + basename() and 9 more... + makeToyVariation() + makeToyEnsemble() + makeContinuousEnsemble() + makeContinuous() Node21->Node65 -m_name Node65->Node1 -m_systDDonoff Node66 SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::EventShape_v1 > + ReadHandleKey() + ReadHandleKey() + operator=() # ReadHandleKey() # ReadHandleKey() Node66->Node1 -m_forwardEventShapeKey -m_centralEventShapeKey Node67 std::map< xAOD::Iso ::IsolationType, std ::unique_ptr< TGraph > > + keys Node67->Node1 -m_map_isotype_zeta _mc_corr -m_map_isotype_zetaPU