Trk::SaggedLineSurface Node1 Trk::SaggedLineSurface + SaggedLineSurface() + SaggedLineSurface() + SaggedLineSurface() + SaggedLineSurface() + SaggedLineSurface() + SaggedLineSurface() + ~SaggedLineSurface() + operator=() + surfaceRepresentation() + distortionDescriptor() + correctedSurface() Node2 Trk::StraightLineSurface + staticType # m_bounds + StraightLineSurface() + StraightLineSurface() + operator=() + StraightLineSurface() + operator=() + ~StraightLineSurface() + StraightLineSurface() + StraightLineSurface() + StraightLineSurface() + StraightLineSurface() and 24 more... Node2->Node1 Node3 Trk::Surface # m_owner # s_onSurfaceTolerance + Surface() + ~Surface() + Surface() + Surface() + Surface() + Surface() + operator==() + operator!=() + clone() + uniqueClone() and 48 more... # Surface() # operator=() # Surface() # operator=() # inverseTransformHelper() # inverseTransformMultHelper() Node3->Node2 Node4 Trk::ObjectCounter < Trk::Surface > + s_numberOfInstantiations + numberOfInstantiations() # ObjectCounter() # ObjectCounter() # ObjectCounter() # ~ObjectCounter() # operator=() # operator=() Node4->Node3 Node49 CxxUtils::CachedValue < Amg::Vector3D > - ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + CachedValue() + operator=() + operator=() + set() + set() + isValid() + ptr() + store() + store() + reset() Node49->Node1 #m_saggedLineDirection Node49->Node2 #m_lineDirection Node50 std::atomic< CacheState > + ptr Node50->Node49 -m_cacheValid Node51 Trk::NoBounds + NoBounds() + NoBounds() + operator=() + NoBounds() + operator=() + ~NoBounds() + operator==() + type() + inside() + inside() and 7 more... Node51->Node2 #s_boundless Node53 Trk::DistortedSurface + DistortedSurface() + ~DistortedSurface() + surfaceRepresentation() + distortionDescriptor() + correctedSurface() Node53->Node1 Node54 Trk::LineSaggingDescriptor # m_wireLength # m_wireTension # m_linearDensity # s_elecStatFactor # s_gravityDirection # s_referenceDirection + LineSaggingDescriptor() + LineSaggingDescriptor() + LineSaggingDescriptor() + ~LineSaggingDescriptor() + clone() + operator=() + correctedSurfaceTransform() + dump() + dump() Node54->Node1 #m_saggingDescriptor Node55 Trk::DistortionDescriptor + DistortionDescriptor() + ~DistortionDescriptor() + clone() + dump() + dump() Node55->Node54