ATLAS Offline Software
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1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2002-2021 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
3 */
5 // $Id$
6 /**
7  * @file AthenaPoolCnvSvc/T_AthenaPoolTPCnvCnv.icc
8  * @author scott snyder <>
9  * @date Jan, 2016
10  * @brief Athena pool converter for a class using TP separation.
11  */
14 /**
15  * @brief Constructor.
16  * @param svcLoc Gaudi service locator.
17  */
18 template <class TRANS, class TPCNV_CUR, class ... TPCNVS>
19 T_AthenaPoolTPCnvCnv<TRANS, TPCNV_CUR, TPCNVS...>::T_AthenaPoolTPCnvCnv( ISvcLocator* svcLoc )
20  : Base( svcLoc ),
21  m_guid (AthenaPoolCnvSvc::guidFromTypeinfo (typeid (Pers_t)))
22 {
23 }
26 /**
27  * @brief Convert a transient object to persistent form.
28  * @param key The SG key of the object being written.
29  * @param trans The transient object to convert.
30  *
31  * Returns a newly-allocated persistent object.
32  */
33 template <class TRANS, class TPCNV_CUR, class ... TPCNVS>
34 typename T_AthenaPoolTPCnvCnv<TRANS, TPCNV_CUR, TPCNVS...>::Pers_t*
35 T_AthenaPoolTPCnvCnv<TRANS, TPCNV_CUR, TPCNVS...>::createPersistentWithKey( TRANS* trans,
36  const std::string& key)
37 {
38  AthenaPoolCnvSvc::debugCreatePersistent (ClassID_traits<TRANS>::ID());
39  return AthenaPoolCnvSvc::createPersistent (m_tpcnv_cur, trans, key, this->msg()).release();
40 }
43 /**
44  * @brief Read the persistent object and convert it to transient.
45  * @param key The SG key of the object being read.
46  *
47  * Returns a newly-allocated transient object.
48  * Errors are reported by raising exceptions.
49  */
50 template <class TRANS, class TPCNV_CUR, class ... TPCNVS>
52 T_AthenaPoolTPCnvCnv<TRANS, TPCNV_CUR, TPCNVS...>::createTransientWithKey (const std::string& key)
53 {
54  AthenaPoolCnvSvc::debugCreateTransient (ClassID_traits<TRANS>::ID());
55  if ( this->compareClassGuid( m_guid ) ) {
56  // It's the latest version.
57  std::unique_ptr<Pers_t> persObj( this->template poolReadObject<Pers_t>() );
58  return AthenaPoolCnvSvc::createTransient (m_tpcnv_cur, persObj.get(), key, this->msg()).release();
59  }
61  // Try a converter.
62  std::unique_ptr<TRANS> c = m_tpcnvs.createTransient (*this, key, this->msg());
63  if (c)
64  return c.release();
66  // Didn't recognize the GUID.
67  AthenaPoolCnvSvc::throwExcUnsupportedVersion (typeid(TRANS),
68  this->m_i_poolToken->classID());
69  return 0;
70 }