ATLAS Offline Software

The package Database/AthenaPOOL/AthenaPoolExample contains running examples of algorithms writing and reading Data Objects using AthenaPool. This sub package, AthenaPoolExampleAlgorithms, defines the algorithms write and read data, tags and conditions via AthenaPOOL.

WriteData: The WriteData algorithm creates some ExampleHits in a ExampleHitContainer and records them into StoreGate.

WriteTag: The WriteTag algorithm creates an AthenaAttributeList and records it in StoreGate so it can be used for collections. These jobOptions create two streams to write two different data files via AthenaPOOL.


- Simple Writing of EventData and InFile MetaData.
- Multiple Streams.
- Tag Writing.
run > SimplePoolFile1.root
## opening file [SimplePoolFile1.root]...
## importing ROOT...
## importing ROOT... [DONE]
## opening file [OK]
Size:       34.836 kb
Nbr Events: 20

     Mem Size       Disk Size        Size/Evt      MissZip/Mem  items  (X) Container Name (X=Tree|Branch)
      72.382 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        1.000       20  (T) DataHeader
      46.367 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        1.000       20  (B) EventInfo_p2_McEventInfo
      29.958 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        1.000       20  (B) ExampleHitContainer_p1_MyHits
       9.207 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        1.000        1  (B) EventStreamInfo_p1_Stream1
      50.704 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        1.000        1  (T) MetaDataHdrDataHeader
     208.618 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        0.000       20  TOTAL (POOL containers)
## Bye.
run > SimplePoolFile2.root
## opening file [SimplePoolFile2.root]...
## importing ROOT...
## importing ROOT... [DONE]
## opening file [OK]
Size:       29.271 kb
Nbr Events: 20

     Mem Size       Disk Size        Size/Evt      MissZip/Mem  items  (X) Container Name (X=Tree|Branch)
      67.502 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        1.000       20  (T) DataHeader
      46.367 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        1.000       20  (B) EventInfo_p2_McEventInfo
       9.207 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        1.000        1  (B) EventStreamInfo_p1_Stream2
      50.704 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        1.000        1  (T) MetaDataHdrDataHeader
     173.780 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        0.000       20  TOTAL (POOL containers)
## Bye. These jobOptions appends events and tags to the second stream written by


    - Simple Appending of EventData and InFile MetaData.
    - Tag Writing in update (append) mode.

- Appending InFile MetaData does _not_ work in the current framework.
run > SimplePoolFile2.root
## opening file [SimplePoolFile2.root]...
## importing ROOT...
## importing ROOT... [DONE]
## opening file [OK]
Size:       43.342 kb
Nbr Events: 40

     Mem Size       Disk Size        Size/Evt      MissZip/Mem  items  (X) Container Name (X=Tree|Branch)
      84.822 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        1.000       40  (T) DataHeader
      52.327 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        1.000       40  (B) EventInfo_p2_McEventInfo
       9.207 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        1.000        1  (B) EventStreamInfo_p1_Stream2
       9.207 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        1.000        1  (B) EventStreamInfo_p1_Stream1
      51.562 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        1.000        2  (T) MetaDataHdrDataHeader
     207.125 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        0.000       40  TOTAL (POOL containers)
## Bye. These jobOptions read the previous events (SimplePoolFile1.root from and processes the hits into tracks which are than written out.


    - Reading of EventData (without navigation) and InFile MetaData.
- Writing EventData with navigational relations (ElementLinks, ElementLinkVector, Navigable) to
  upstream EventData.
run > SimplePoolFile3.root
## opening file [SimplePoolFile3.root]...
## importing ROOT...
## importing ROOT... [DONE]
## opening file [OK]
Size:       39.700 kb
Nbr Events: 20

     Mem Size       Disk Size        Size/Evt      MissZip/Mem  items  (X) Container Name (X=Tree|Branch)
      79.462 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        1.000       20  (T) DataHeader
      46.367 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        1.000       20  (B) EventInfo_p2_McEventInfo
      49.346 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        1.000       20  (B) ExampleTrackContainer_p1_MyTracks
       9.207 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        1.000        1  (B) EventStreamInfo_p1_Stream1
      50.704 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        1.000        1  (T) MetaDataHdrDataHeader
     235.086 kb        0.000 kb        0.000 kb        0.000       20  TOTAL (POOL containers)
## Bye. These jobOptions read the previous events (SimplePoolFile1-3.root).


    - Reading of EventData (with navigation) and InFile MetaData.
- Skipping events.

SimplePoolFile1.root: EventInfo, Hits SimplePoolFile2.root: EventInfo SimplePoolFile3.root: EventInfo, Hits (via Navigation), Tracks

Additional Documentation

See the ATLAS User/Developer HowTo document for additional information.

The code can be browsed using LXR (

Peter van Gemmeren