ByteStreamCnvSvcBase Node1 ByteStreamCnvSvcBase # m_initCnvs # m_ROD2ROBmap + ByteStreamCnvSvcBase() + ~ByteStreamCnvSvcBase() + initialize() + queryInterface() + updateServiceState() + handle() * m_isSimulation * m_isTestbeam * m_isCalibration Node11 ByteStreamCnvSvc - m_ioSvcName - m_ioSvcNameList - m_fillTriggerBits - m_ioSvcMap - m_evtStore - m_userType - m_slots + ByteStreamCnvSvc() + ~ByteStreamCnvSvc() + initialize() + finalize() + connectOutput() + connectOutput() + commitOutput() + getRawEvent() + getFullEventAssembler() + queryInterface() + interfaceID() # setRawEvent() - writeFEA() Node1->Node11 Node12 TrigByteStreamCnvSvc - m_evtStore - m_robDataProviderSvc - m_monTool - m_rawEventWriteCache + TrigByteStreamCnvSvc() + ~TrigByteStreamCnvSvc() + initialize() + finalize() + connectOutput() + connectOutput() + connectOutput() + commitOutput() + commitOutput() + getRawEvent() + getRawEvent() - setRawEvent() - clearRawEvent() - printRawEvent() - monitorRawEvent() - currentContext() Node1->Node12 Node2 AthCnvSvc + AthCnvSvc() + initialize() + finalize() + queryInterface() * repSvcType() * objType() * setDataProvider() * dataProvider() * setConversionSvc() * conversionSvc() * setAddressCreator() * addressCreator() * createObj() * fillObjRefs() and 14 more... * CallMutex * m_dataSvc * m_addressCreator * m_cnvSvc * m_type * m_workers * m_conv_mut * createAddress() * convertAddress() * createAddress() and 12 more... Node2->Node1 Node3 IConversionSvc Node3->Node2 Node4 IAddressCreator Node4->Node2 Node5 AthService - AthService() - AthService() - operator=() Node5->Node2 Node8 IIncidentListener Node8->Node1 Node9 IByteStreamEventAccess + getRawEvent() + interfaceID() Node9->Node1