MuonVal::MdtIdentifierBranch Node1 MuonVal::MdtIdentifierBranch + MdtIdentifierBranch() + push_back() Node2 MuonVal::MuonIdentifierBranch + MuonIdentifierBranch() + push_back() + fill() + init() # idHelperSvc() Node2->Node1 Node3 MuonVal::MuonTesterBranch - m_init + MuonTesterBranch() + MuonTesterBranch() + MuonTesterBranch() + operator=() + ~MuonTesterBranch() + name() + initialized() + tree() + tree() + data_dependencies() + eraseWhiteSpaces() # addToTree() # declare_dependency() # parent() Node3->Node2 Node63 MuonVal::VectorBranch < int8_t > - m_default - m_hasDefault - m_updated + VectorBranch() + VectorBranch() + VectorBranch() + VectorBranch() + ~VectorBranch() + fill() + init() + size() + push_back() + operator+=() and 8 more... Node3->Node63 Node66 MuonVal::VectorBranch < uint8_t > - m_default - m_hasDefault - m_updated + VectorBranch() + VectorBranch() + VectorBranch() + VectorBranch() + ~VectorBranch() + fill() + init() + size() + push_back() + operator+=() and 8 more... Node3->Node66 Node4 AthMessaging - m_msg_tls - ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE + AthMessaging() + AthMessaging() + ~AthMessaging() + msgLvl() + msg() + msg() + setLevel() - AthMessaging() - AthMessaging() - operator=() - initMessaging() Node4->Node3 Node9 MuonVal::IMuonTesterBranch + ~IMuonTesterBranch() + fill() + init() + name() + data_dependencies() + tree() + tree() Node9->Node3 Node9->Node63 Node9->Node66 Node10 TTree Node10->Node3 -m_tree Node63->Node2 -m_stationEta Node65 ServiceHandle< Muon ::IMuonIdHelperSvc > Node65->Node2 -m_idHelperSvc Node66->Node1 -m_tubeLayer -m_tube -m_multiLayer Node66->Node2 -m_stationPhi -m_stationIndex Node67 std::vector< uint8_t > + elements Node67->Node66 -m_variable