CMROCompare Node1 CMROCompare - m_diffOutput + CMROCompare() + ~CMROCompare() + compare() + compareHead() + compareSubh() + compareBody() + compareFoot() + diffOut() Node2 BaseObject - m_tag + BaseObject() + ~BaseObject() + tag() + name() + Print() Node2->Node1 Node5 MatrixReadOut - m_myBoss - m_data_version - m_BunchFrom - m_BunchTo - m_FEL1ID - m_ROOffset - m_NDLLCYC - m_NBunch - m_nclock - m_nchan and 17 more... + MatrixReadOut() + MatrixReadOut() + MatrixReadOut() + MatrixReadOut() + operator=() + ~MatrixReadOut() + getCMAHit() + getHeader() + getSubHeader() + getFooter() and 30 more... - setManager() - makeFragment() - initialize() - makeHeader() - makeSubHeader() - makeCMABody() - makeFooter() - makeCMABodyHit() - makeCMABodyTrg() - makeNewHit() - makeNewHit() - sortAndMakeNewHit() - computeCR() Node2->Node5 Node9 Matrix + rodat + k_readout + highestthRO + overlapRO + s_nthres + s_nchan + s_BCtime + s_NDLLCYC + s_DLLtime + s_NBunch + s_nclock + s_timeGroupA + s_timeGroupB + s_wordlen - m_run - m_event - m_Nbunch - m_nclock - m_matrixDebug - m_subsystem - m_projection - m_sector - m_pad - m_lowhigh and 40 more... - s_ROOffset + Matrix() + ~Matrix() + deleteRPCdata() + reset() + initRegisters() + initPointers() + initRPCpointers() + initDat() + putData() + putPatt() and 50 more... - storeDeadtime() - masking() - delay() - load() - copyDataToReadOut() - prepro() - coincide() - maskTo1() - deadTime() - pulse_width() and 17 more... Node2->Node9 Node3 std::string Node3->Node2 -m_name Node4 std::basic_string< char > Node4->Node3 Node5->Node1 -m_hardware -m_simulation Node6 MatrixReadOut::CMROData + hit Node6->Node5 -m_BodyLast -m_Body -m_BodyCurr Node6->Node6 +next Node7 MatrixReadOutStructure - m_cmid - m_fel1id - m_febcid - m_bcid - m_time - m_ijk - m_channel - m_strip - m_threshold - m_overlap - m_status - m_crc - s_headerNum - s_headerPos - s_headerLen - s_headerVal - s_subHeaderNum - s_subHeaderPos - s_subHeaderLen - s_subHeaderVal - s_CMABodyNum - s_CMABodyPos and 6 more... + MatrixReadOutStructure() + MatrixReadOutStructure() + ~MatrixReadOutStructure() + setInit() + makeHeader() + makeSubHeader() + makeBody() + makeFooter() + makeFooter() + decodeFragment() and 26 more... Node7->Node5 -m_MROS Node8 RPCReadOut # m_word # m_field # s_last2bitsON # s_last4bitsON # s_first8bitsON + RPCReadOut() + ~RPCReadOut() + getWord() + field() # set16Bits() # set16Bits() # get16Bits() Node8->Node7 Node9->Node5 -m_CM Node10 Matrix::rpcdata + layer + stripadd + time + BC + DLL + masked + maskto1 + mark + deadtime + delay Node10->Node9 -m_datarpc Node10->Node10 +next