Muon::MuonSegmentTruth Node1 Muon::MuonSegmentTruth + isHitMatched + MuonSegmentTruth() Node2 Muon::MuonTechnologyTruth Node2->Node1 +rpcs +stgcs +cscs +mm +tgcs +mdts Node3 std::set< Identifier > Node3->Node2 +wrongChambers +missedHits +matchedHits +matchedChambers +wrongHits +missedChambers Node4 Identifier - m_id + Identifier() + Identifier() + Identifier() + operator=() + operator=() + ~Identifier() + Identifier() + Identifier() + Identifier() + Identifier() and 38 more... - operator|=() - operator&=() - extract() - mask_shift() - extract() Node4->Node3 +keys Node5 TrackRecord - m_pdgCode - m_status - m_energy - m_time - m_barcode - m_id + TrackRecord() + ~TrackRecord() + TrackRecord() + TrackRecord() + operator=() + GetEnergy() + SetEnergy() + GetPosition() + SetPosition() + GetMomentum() and 13 more... Node5->Node1 +truthTrack Node6 std::string Node6->Node5 -m_volName Node7 std::basic_string< char > Node7->Node6 Node8 Hep3Vector Node8->Node5 -m_momentum -m_position