Trk::CylinderLayer Node1 Trk::CylinderLayer # m_approachDescriptor + CylinderLayer() + CylinderLayer() + CylinderLayer() + CylinderLayer() + CylinderLayer() + CylinderLayer() + CylinderLayer() + CylinderLayer() + CylinderLayer() + CylinderLayer() and 10 more... - approachSurface() - buildApproachDescriptor() Node2 Trk::CylinderSurface + staticType # m_bounds # m_referencePoint # m_rotSymmetryAxis + CylinderSurface() + CylinderSurface() + operator=() + CylinderSurface() + operator=() + ~CylinderSurface() + CylinderSurface() + CylinderSurface() + CylinderSurface() + CylinderSurface() and 31 more... Node2->Node1 Node3 Trk::Surface # m_transforms # m_associatedDetElement # m_associatedDetElementId # m_associatedLayer # m_materialLayer # m_owner # s_onSurfaceTolerance + Surface() + ~Surface() + Surface() + Surface() + Surface() + Surface() + operator==() + operator!=() + clone() + uniqueClone() and 48 more... # Surface() # operator=() # Surface() # operator=() # inverseTransformHelper() # inverseTransformMultHelper() Node3->Node2 Node4 Trk::ObjectCounter < Trk::Surface > + s_numberOfInstantiations + numberOfInstantiations() # ObjectCounter() # ObjectCounter() # ObjectCounter() # ~ObjectCounter() # operator=() # operator=() Node4->Node3 Node5 Trk::Layer # m_surfaceArray # m_layerMaterialProperties # m_layerThickness # m_overlapDescriptor # m_previousLayer # m_nextLayer # m_binUtility # m_enclosingTrackingVolume # m_enclosingDetachedTracking Volume # m_index # m_layerType # m_ref + Layer() + Layer() + Layer() + Layer() + ~Layer() + surfaceArray() + surfaceArray() + subSurface() + subSurface() + subSurfaceReference() and 39 more... # Layer() # operator=() Node5->Node1